Concordia (Youth Service Volunteers) Ltd

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Concordia (Youth Service Volunteers) is a non-profit, non-political and non-sectarian charity based in the south-east of England. Its work is divided into two areas: a Seasonal Agricultural Work Scheme (SAWS) for foreign students to experience farming in the UK and an International Volunteer Programme which organises short-term international voluntary projects in the UK, as well as sending UK volunteers abroad.


[edit] Origin

In 1943, during World War II Concordia was found to encourage young British people to help with the war effort by harvesting fruits and crops from the fields. Participants benifited from a holiday and were able to earn a modest amount of money at the same time. The scheme proved so popular that after the end of the war there was a big demand for it to be continued. In keeping with the atmosphere of international reconciliation prevalent after the war, it was suggested that young people from all nations be invited to take part to increase understanding, and make a contribution to peace among nations. In 1949 the charity's name was change to Concordia (Youth Service Volunteers) and since that date it has given the opportunity for people from over 50 nations to participate in the agriculture scheme.

[edit] Seasonal Agricultural Work Scheme

The aim of the SAWS programme is to bring together young people from all over the world and give them the opportunity of living and working together to promote a better understanding between participants, and ultimately, promote a better understanding between their native countries. Under the Home Office-approved SAWS scheme, students from outside the UK are permitted to work for up to 6 months on a UK farm. Typically they are placed with vegetable, fruit and flower growers in the south-east of England where they are able to cover their expenses and earn some extra money to take home. Chiefly, the benefits to the students include:

  • An opportunity to see the UK
  • A working holiday where they can earn extra money to take home
  • A great chance to practice their English
  • An opportunity to meet, work alongside and form lasting relationships with students from other countries, therby gaining a real insight into their country and culture.

[edit] International Volunteer Programme

Renovating a museum building in Finland
Renovating a museum building in Finland

Through the International Volunteer Programme, Concordia organises UK-based short-term international volunteer projects, as well as sending UK volunteers on partner organisation's projects abroad. Projects involve a group of international volunteers, living and working together on a community-based project for a short period of time (typically 2-3 weeks). Participants on the projects have a great opportunity to meet people from other cultures and to develop personal qualities such as co-operation, tolerance and open-mindedness. The diversity of each group, mixed with the project work and socialising create a unique intercultural experience.

The work carried out on every project is different. Some examples include environmental/conservation work, renovation of historical buildings, assisting in a disabled people's home, teaching English to school children and working with young offenders.

Concordia currently sends UK volunteers to over 60 countries to participate in the volunteer projects of partner organisations through CCIVS and the Alliance. Two separate programmes exist: the Standard Programme (broadly Europe, the USA, Japan and South Korea) and the North South Programme (Africa, Asia and Latin America). Volunteers wishing to take part on a North South project must attend a preparation weekend before departure, to ensure volunteers know what to expect when visiting these less developed countries.

The main season for international volunteer projects is during the summer (June-September) although some projects do take place in the autumn and springtime.

[edit] Costs

One of the attractive features of joining an international volunteer project through Concordia is the relatively low cost of participation. Typically, a fee of only 110 GBP provides for food and accommodation while on the project, although volunteers must pay their own travel expenses to and from the project.

[edit] External links