Concept Foundation

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The Concept Foundation is a non-profit foundation which was established by the UNDP/UNFPA/WHO/WB Special program in Reproductive Health (WHO/HRP), PATH, the World Bank in 1989 in Bangkok, Thailand, "as a mechanism through which WHO’s rights associated with an injectable contraceptive, Cyclofem, could be licensed to potential producers in developing countries". [1] Cyclofem, also known as Lunelle and Cyclo-Provera, is a once-a-month injectable contraceptive which contains 25mg of medroxyprogesterone acetate--the same ingredient as Depo Provera--and 5mg of estradiol cypionate. [2]

The Concept Foundation is currently an active partner in a total of 10 public-private partnerships involving pharmaceutical manufacturers. Since its inception in 1989, more than 120 million doses of Cyclofem have been manufactured and sold world wide. Concept Foundation products have been manufactured in 8 different countries and are made available in more than 30 developing countries.

[edit] Funding

The Concept Foundation received substantial financial support from World Health Organization, World Bank, United Nations Population Fund, Rockefeller Foundation, Packard Foundation, PATH and International Planned Parenthood Federation to build up its institutional and operational capacities, but increasingly relies on licensing income it receives to finance operations. In fiscal year 2004 Concept posted revenues of $0.9 million with a budget of $0.8, and showed net assets of $0.2 million.

[edit] Footnotes

  1. ^ Concept Foundation. Initative on Public-Private Partnerships for Health (March 7, 2006). Retrieved on November 17, 2006.
  2. ^ Hall PE (1994). "The introduction of Cyclofem into national family planning programmes: experience from studies in Indonesia, Jamaica, Mexico, Thailand and Tunisia". Contraception 5 (489). 8045134.