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Comuna is a Spanish term used in some Latin American countries meaning commune or municipality. It may also refer to the group of people inhabiting a community. It may be interchanged with the Spanish term municipio.[1]

In Chile a comuna is a subdivision of a province and is the third level of administative divisions of the country. In popular use the term is frequently interchanged with "municipalidad", however legally speaking, the two are not the same. A municipality, which may have the same name, is the entity which administers the comuna and one municipality may administer more than one comuna, however this is very rare. As of 2006 there was only one municipality which administered more than one comuna.[2]

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Microsoft® Encarta® 2007 [DVD]
  2. ^ Chapter 14, Chilean Constitution (in Spanish) describes the divisions of the country and the distinction between comunas and municipalidades.