Computers For Africa

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The Official Computers For Africa Logo
The Official Computers For Africa Logo

Computers for Africa (CFA), is a small but growing charity founded in the summer of 1995 at Plockton High School, delivering computer technology to deprived areas of Africa. The charity started in the summer of 1995 when a group of sixth year computing students at Plockton High School competed for a Royal Bank of Scotland Information Technology Innovation Award. Rather than creating some new application on the latest of machinery, their winning entry chose to collect and take redundant computers to a new location where fellow students would otherwise have no access to such equipment. Since then, annually, teams from Plockton High School have travelled to Africa and have set up centres in South Africa, Kenya, Malawi, Lesotho and Zambia.

To celebrate the project's 10th Anniversary, a DVD has been produced to encourage other schools to take part in the project. The DVD explains how to get involved, risk assessment, safety procedures, how to wade through the paperwork as well as an assortment of real life stories and pictures.

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