Computational semiotics

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General concepts
Biosemiotics · Code
Computational semiotics
Connotation · Decode
Denotation · Encode
Lexical · Modality
Salience · Sign
Sign relation · Sign relational complex
Semiosis · Semiosphere
Semiotic literary criticism
Triadic relation
Umwelt · Value
Commutation test Paradigmatic analysis Syntagmatic analysis
Roland Barthes · Marcel Danesi
Ferdinand de Saussure
Umberto Eco · Louis Hjelmslev
Roman Jakobson · Roberta Kevelson
Charles Peirce · Thomas Sebeok
Topics of interest
Aestheticization as propaganda Aestheticization of violence Americanism
Semiotics of Ideal Beauty

Computational semiotics is an interdisciplinary field that applies, conducts, and draws on research in logic, mathematics, the theory and practice of computation, formal and natural language studies, the cognitive sciences generally, and semiotics proper. A common theme of this work is the adoption of a sign-theoretic perspective on issues of artificial intelligence and knowledge representation. Many of its applications lie in the field of computer-human interaction (CHI) and the fundamental devices of recognition (work at IASE in California).

One part of this field, known as algebraic semiotics, combines aspects of algebraic specification and social semiotics, and has been applied to user interface design and to the representation of mathematical proofs.

[edit] Bibliography

  • de Souza, C.S., The Semiotic Engineering of Human-Computer Interaction, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2005.
  • Hugo, J. (2005), "The Semiotics of Control Room Situation Awareness", Fourth International Cyberspace Conference on Ergonomics, Virtual Conference, 15 Sep – 15 Oct 2005. Eprint
  • Mili, A., Desharnais, J., Mili, F., with Frappier, M., Computer Program Construction, Oxford University Press, New York, NY, 1994. — Introduction to Tarskian relation theory and its applications within the relational programming paradigm.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links