Compulsory Military Training in New Zealand

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Military service
National service
Conscription crisis
Conscientious objection

Conscription by country:
New Zealand
United States

Compulsory Military Training (CMT), a form of conscription, has been used in New Zealand during a number of historical periods.


[edit] First Introduced

CMT was first introduced in New Zealand with the Defence Act of 1909. It applied to all males from 14 – 21 years throughout New Zealand.

[edit] World War I and World War II

There were increasing criticisms of CMT voiced in Parliament, however the outbreak of war in 1914, provided sufficient justification for CMT. In mid-war, Conscription was introduced by the Military Services Bill (June 10, 1916).

CMT was abolished again in 1932 due to economic reasons.

In World War II, the compulsory sections of the Defence Act were not invoked until nine months after the outbreak of hostilities in September 1939. Under the National Service Emergency Regulations of 1940, conscription was then reintroduced. Anyone aged between 18 and 46 became liable to be called up by ballot.

[edit] 1945 to 1970s

On 25 May 1949, Prime Minister Peter Fraser, announced that a referendum would be held about the future of CMT. The results on 3 August 1949 strongly approved reintroduction of CMT (77.9% (553,016 votes) in favour, with 22.1% (152,443 votes) against.

Under the Compulsory Military Training Act of 1949 all males now became liable for military service upon reaching 18 years of age, with the rule taking effect in 1950. All men aged 18 and over being required to register with the Department of Labour and Employment, and apart from those exempted for medical or compassionate reasons, all had to undergo 14 weeks intensive, full-time training, three years part-time service, followed by six years in the Army Reserve. All trainees were allowed the option of serving with the Royal New Zealand Navy, Royal New Zealand Air Force or the New Zealand Army. A total of 63,033 men were trained under the CMT scheme before it was abolished by the Labour Government in early 1958.

In 1960 National, under Keith Holyoake, was elected and CMT was reinstated in 1962, however this time it was called 'National Service'. Under the provisions of the National Service Act all males were required to register on their 20th birthday with the Department of Labour. Ballots, based upon dates of birth, were then conducted to decide who would undertake compulsory service. Those selected were required to complete three months initial full-time training, followed by an annual commitment of three weeks part-time training for another 3 years.

In 1972, Labour under Norman Kirk ended compulsory national service, as a result of a campaign of civil disobedience and lobbying by the Organisation to Halt Military Service ("OHMS", a pun on both resistance and "On Her Majesty's Service").

[edit] Since 1972

Since 1972 the three branches of the New Zealand Defence Force, (Royal New Zealand Navy, Royal New Zealand Air Force and the New Zealand Army) are all volunteer services; there is no form of conscription.