Composite pattern

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In computer science, the composite pattern is a design pattern: "A general solution to a common problem in software design."

Motivation: In object-oriented programming, a Composite is an object (e.g. a shape) designed as a composition of one-or-more similar objects (other kinds of shapes/geometries), all exhibiting similar functionality. This is known as a "has-a" relationship between objects. The key concept is that you can manipulate a single instance of the object just as you would a group of them. The operations you can perform on all the composite objects often have a least common denominator relationship. For example, when resizing a single shape to fill the screen, surely you would expect/desire that resizing a group of shapes would have the same effect.

When to use: You find that you are using multiple objects in the same way, and often have nearly identical code to handle each of them -- the only differences being that you are manipulating an instance of a 'circle' versus a 'square', for instance. Useful if differentiation doesn't need to exist, and it would be easier to think of them as homogeneous. (Of course, you could still provide functionality to manipulate only a single instance -- like selecting an item from a list instead of operating on the whole list.)

Compose means a special thing: it refers to building objects using DelegationConcept. Delegation-composition hangs onto constituent parts-using references. By contrast, mixins inherit from each part. MixIns prevent returning a WholeObject in response to requests for information, and they prevent having more than one of any given part.

The composite pattern is an object oriented pendant to algebraic data types.


[edit] Structure


  • declares the interface for object composition
  • implements default behaviour
  • declares an interface for accessing and managing the child components
Leaf (Feuille)
represents leaf objects in the composition
  • defines behaviour for components having children
  • stores child components
  • implements child-related operations to the Component interface
manipulates objects in the composition through the Component interface

[edit] Examples

[edit] C#

The following C# program illustrates the 'Europe' example given above and will output:

(Europe: (England: London) (France: Paris))
using System;
using System.Text;

namespace CompositePattern
    class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Composite england = new Composite("England");
            Leaf york = new Leaf("York");
            Leaf london = new Leaf("London");

            Composite france = new Composite("France");
            france.AddComponent(new Leaf("Paris"));

            Composite europe = new Composite("Europe");


    public interface IComponent
        string DefaultMethod();
        IComponentCollection GetChildren();
        bool AddComponent(IComponent c);
        bool RemoveComponent(IComponent c);

    // The Java example uses Generics, but these are not available in .Net 1.1
    public class IComponentCollection : System.Collections.CollectionBase
        public bool Add(IComponent o)
            return (base.InnerList.Add(o) >= 0);

        public bool Remove(IComponent o)
                return true;
                return false;

        public IComponent this[int index]
                return (IComponent)base.InnerList[index];
                base.InnerList[index] = value;

    public class Composite : IComponent
        private string _ID;
        private IComponentCollection _Components = new IComponentCollection();

        public Composite(string identification)
            _ID = identification;

        public string DefaultMethod()
            System.Text.StringBuilder sbOutput = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            sbOutput.Append(string.Format("({0}:", _ID));
            foreach (IComponent child in GetChildren())
                sbOutput.Append(" " + child.DefaultMethod());

            return sbOutput.ToString();

        public IComponentCollection GetChildren()
            return _Components;

        public bool AddComponent(IComponent c)
            return _Components.Add(c);

        public bool RemoveComponent(IComponent c)
            return _Components.Remove(c);

    public class Leaf : IComponent
        private string _ID;

        public Leaf(string identification)
            _ID = identification;

        public string DefaultMethod()
            return _ID;

        public IComponentCollection GetChildren()
            return null;

        public bool AddComponent(IComponent c)
            return false;

        public bool RemoveComponent(IComponent c)
            return false;

[edit] JAVA

The following JAVA program illustrates the previous.NET example again.

// The "DefaultMethod()" was renamed to be "toString()" in this version.
// requires JDK 1.5 or above, for generics List<E> and foreach loop
// To compile and execute this code:
// javac -cp .
// java  -cp . Main

import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

public class Main
        public static void main(String[] args)
                Composite england = new Composite("England");
                Leaf york = new Leaf("York");
                Leaf london = new Leaf("London");

                Composite france = new Composite("France");
                france.addComponent(new Leaf("Paris"));

                Composite europe = new Composite("Europe");


interface IComponent
        Collection getChildren();
        boolean addComponent(IComponent c);     // add composite or leaf
        boolean removeComponent(IComponent c);

class Composite implements IComponent
        private String id;
        private List<IComponent> list = new ArrayList<IComponent> ();

        public Composite(String id)
       = id;

        public String toString()
                StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
                buf.append(String.format("(%s:", id));

                // JDK 1.5 "foreach" implicitly uses an iterator to walk over list
                for (IComponent child : list)
                        buf.append(" " + child.toString());

                return buf.toString();

        //public List<IComponent> getChildren()
        public Collection getChildren()
                return list;

        public boolean addComponent(IComponent c)
                return list.add(c);

        public boolean removeComponent(IComponent c)
                return list.remove(c);

class Leaf implements IComponent
        private String id;

        public Leaf(String id)
       = id;

        public String toString()

        public Collection getChildren()
                return null;

        // false because failed to add
        public boolean addComponent(IComponent c)
                return false;

        // false because failed to find it for removal
        public boolean removeComponent(IComponent c)
                return false;

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

Parts of this article originated from the Perl Design Patterns Book