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Comporellon is a planet in Isaac Asimov's Foundation Series. It orbits the star that is known today as Epsilon Eridani.

It was known originally as Baleyworld, and later Benbally World, after its founder Bentley Baley, son of Elijah Baley. It was the oldest non-Spacer world in the Galaxy, aside from Earth. After nearly 20 millennia, when the Foundation expanded its influence to a third of the Galaxy, Comporellon considered itself an associated power.

The climate on Comporellon is a very cold one and most cities, including the capital in the northern hemisphere, are underground. At the time that Golan Trevize, Blissenobiarella, and Janov Pelorat visited Comporellon, the cultural style was to wear black, grey, white, or any combination thereof. Comporellon was very suspicious of outsiders, and very nationalistic. Its government made an effort to steal the ship that Trevize, Pelorat, and Bliss were using, to add to the planetary spacefleet.

Whatever particular Comporellian dialect there may be, the only glimpse of it is seen in the title 'Mintrans' (Minister of Transportation), possibly in homage to 1984's Newspeak.

With regards to Earth, and its stories thereof, Comporellon is unique: it was one of the very few planets Pelorat had encountered that placed the legendary Earth close by (which it was). Also, Comporellian legends were the only ones Pelorat knew in which Earth was said to be radioactive. Like other planets, though, on Comporellon the mention of Earth is surrounded by various taboos. While most urban people have given up old superstitions, rural people will cross the first two fingers of both hands when Earth is mentioned, to ward off punishment; they refer to Earth as 'The Oldest'.

The planet has an axial tilt of 21°.

[edit] Comporellian Characters

  • Lizalor, Minister of transportation
  • Munn Li Compor, the fair-complexioned agent of the Second Foundation, said that he was descended from Comporellians (hence his name).

[edit] See also

Major and minor planets featured in Isaac Asimov's Foundation series

Anacreon | Aurora | Baley's World (Comporellon) | Earth | Gaia | Helicon | Kalgan | Korell | Delicass (Neotrantor) | Sayshell | Solaria | Siwenna | Tazenda | Terminus | Trantor (Hame)

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