Comparison of application servers

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This matrix of Application Servers compares the features and functionality of application servers, grouped by the hosting environment that is offered by that particular application server.


[edit] Apache

Apache based application server bundles, integrates script languages (such as Perl, Python, PHP, Ruby, Tcl) into Apache web server (Apache).

[edit] .NET

  • IIS, Internet Information Services, by Microsoft, Inc.
  • Mono, developed by Novell, Inc., licensed under GPL.
  • Base4 Application Server, an open source project
  • Apache, an open source web server that can be used for .net as well

[edit] Java

Product Vendor Edition Release Date Java EE Compatibility License
AppDev Studio SAS Institute 3.1.4 March, 2005 1.3  ?
Blazix Desiderata Software 1.2 March, 2005 No Proprietary
Borland ES Borland 6.7 Jan, 2007 1.4 Proprietary
ColdFusion Macromedia 7.0 March, 2005 1.3 proprietary
Cosminexus HITACHI 6.5 March, 2005 1.3  ?
Interstage Fujitsu 7.0 December, 2004 1.4  ?
Dynamo AS ATG 6.3 March, 2005 1.3  ?
EAServer Sybase 6.0 November, 2006 1.4 GPL
Enhydra Lutris 5.1.9 March 23, 2005 No GPL
exteNd Novell 5.1.9 March 23, 2005 No GPL
Geronimo ASF 1.1 June 26, 2006 1.4 Apache License
GlassFish AS GlassFish Community v1 UR1 Oct 31, 2006 5 CDDL 1.0
JBoss Red Hat 4.0.5 Oct 18, 2006 1.4 LGPL
JEUS Tmax Soft 5.0.0 May 5, 2005 1.4  ?
JOnAS ObjectWeb 4.7.7 October 19, 2006 1.4 LGPL
JRun Macromedia 5.1.9 March 23, 2005 1.3 proprietary
Sun JSAS Sun Microsystems 9.0 U1 Oct 1, 2006 5 Free of charge, no changes allowed
Apusic Kingdee 4.0 March 23, 2005 1.4  ?
OnceAS CAS 2.0 March 23, 2005 1.4  ?
Oracle AS Oracle Corporation 10g (10.1.3) March 23, 2005 1.4 proprietary
Orion Application Server IronFlare 2.0.7 March 23, 2005 1.3 proprietary
Pramati Pramati 4.1 SP4 Jan 19, 2006 1.3 proprietary
Resin Caucho 3.0.18 February 24, 2006 No Dual GPL
SAP WAS SAP AG 6.40  ? 1.4 proprietary
Trifork Trifork T4 March 23, 2005 1.4  ?
BEA WebLogic Server BEA Systems, Inc. 9.2 June 28, 2006 1.4 proprietary
WebObjects Apple Inc. 5.3.2 August 7, 2006 No1 Proprietary, included in Mac OS X
WebOTX NEC 6.1 March 23, 2005 1.4  ?
WebSphere AS IBM January 15, 2007 1.4 proprietary
WebSphere AS Community Edition IBM November 3, 2006 1.4 Apache Geronimo based

[edit] C++

  • Tuxedo (software) Based on the ATMI standard, is one of the original application servers. Tuxedo provides extraordinarily high performance compared to Java-based application servers due to its native architecture implementation and cluster-based high scalability.[citation needed]

[edit] Objective-C

  • GNUstepWeb [1]WebObjects 4.5 compatible, released under the LGPL.
  • SOPE [2] inspired by WebObjects extended with Zope concepts, used as Foundation for OpenGroupware.

[edit] Python

[edit] Perl

[edit] PHP

  • AutomatWeb [9]

[edit] Ruby

[edit] See also

[edit] External links