Comparison of DNS blacklists

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The following table lists technical information for a number of DNS blacklists.

Blacklist operator DNS blacklist Informational URL Zone Listing goal Nomination Listing lifetime Notes
Spam and Open Relay Blocking System (SORBS) dnsbl [1] Unsolicited bulk/commercial email senders N/A (See individual zones) N/A (See individual zones) Aggregate zone (all aggregates and what they include are listed on [2])
http.dnsbl Open HTTP proxy servers Feeder servers Until delisting requested.
socks.dnsbl Open SOCKS proxy servers Feeder servers Until delisting requested.
misc.dnsbl Additional proxy servers Feeder servers Until delisting requested. Those not already listed in the HTTP or SOCKS databases
smtp.dnsbl Open SMTP relay servers Feeder servers Until delisting requested.
web.dnsbl IP addresses with vulnerabilities that are exploitable by spammers (e.g. FormMail scripts) Feeder servers Until delisting requested or Automated Expiry
new.spam.dnsbl Hosts that have sent spam to the admins of SORBS in the last 48 hours SORBS Admin and Spamtrap Renewed every 20 minutes based inclusion in on ''
recent.spam.dnsbl Hosts that have sent spam to the admins of SORBS in the last 28 days SORBS Admin and Spamtrap Renewed every 20 minutes based inclusion in on ''
old.spam.dnsbl Hosts that have sent spam to the admins of SORBS in the last year SORBS Admin and Spamtrap Renewed every 20 minutes based inclusion in on ''
spam.dnsbl Hosts that have sent spam to the admins of SORBS at any time SORBS Admin and Spamtrap. Until delisting requested or matter resolved
escalations.dnsbl Netblocks of service providers believed to support spammers SORBS Admin fed. Until delisting requested and matter resolved. Service providers are added on receipt of a 'third strike' spam
block.dnsbl Hosts demanding that they never be tested Request by host N/A
zombie.dnsbl Hijacked networks SORBS Admin (manual submission) Until delisting requested.
dul.dnsbl Dynamic IP address ranges SORBS Admin (manual submission) Until delisting requested. Not a list of dial-up IP addresses
rhsbl Aggregate RHS zones N/A N/A
badconf.rhsbl Domains with invalid A or MX records in DNS Open submission via automated testing page. Until delisting requested.
nomail.rhsbl Domains which the owners have confirmed will not be used for sending email Owner submission Until delisting requested.
Spamhaus SBL Advisory [3] Verified sources of spam, including spammers and their support services Manual From 30 minutes to a year or more, depending on issue and resolution
XBL Advisory [4] Illegal third-party exploits (e.g. open proxies and Trojan Horses) Third-party (see Notes) with automated additions Varies, under a month. Includes the Composite Blocking List and parts of the Not Just Another Bogus List
PBL Advisory [5] All dialup & DHCP IP address space that is not meant to be initiating SMTP connections Manual Unknown Looks to be a modern version of the original MAPS DUL and Wirehub Dynablocker lists
SBL+XBL [6] A single lookup for querying the SBL and XBL databases
Zen [7] A single lookup for querying the SBL, XBL and PBL databases. The one to use to get all.
ORBITrbl Aggressive RBL RBL [8] Unsolicited bulk/Commercial email senders (Block Class C IP Block) Feeder servers Until delisting requested? (Only When Found to be Non Spam Source) Aggregate zone
Composite Blocking List CBL [9] Only IPs exhibiting characteristics specific to open proxies, spamware, etc. large spamtraps Temporary, until spam stops Imported by Spamhaus. Use ZEN instead, includes CBL.
Passive Spam Block List PSBL [10] IP addresses which send spam to trap spamtraps Temporary, until spam stops
Weighted Private Block List WPBL [11] IP addresses which send UBE to members spamtraps Temporary, until spam stops
SpamCop Blocking List SCBL [12] IP addresses which have transmitted reported email to SpamCop users users submit Temporary, until spam stops
Distributed Sender Blackhole List [13] all single hop relays tested by trusted testers until de-listing requested explanation of test methods the outputs of multihop relays tested by trusted testers until de-listing requested explanation of test methods all the output servers tested by untrusted and anonymous testers until de-listing requested explanation of test methods