Community of the Sisters of the Church

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The Community of the Sister of the Church is a community of women in various Anglican provinces who live the vowed life of poverty, chastity and obedience. The Community was founded by Mother Emily Ayckbowm in 1870 as the Church Extension Society.

Mother Emily and other women who felt called to the religious life established schools and orphanages throughout England in the late 19th century. The Church Extension Society evolved into the present Community of the Sisters of the Church. The sisters have houses in England, Canada, Australia and the Solomon Islands.

Any woman who feels called to join the sisters must go first apply to the house, then make several visits. Then she becomes an aspirant, then a novice then takes simple vows for a few years before taking life vows.

The Sisters of the Church are supported by an international network of Associates, who pray for the sisters and give financial and other support for their ministries, which include parish and retreat work, councelling, and the only centre for abused women and children at Tenaru, Solomon Islands.

Active religious orders and communities of the Anglican Communion

Brotherhood of the Ascended Christ | Brotherhood of the Epiphany | Brotherhood of St. Gregory | Chama Cha Mariamu Mtakatifu | Chita che Zita Rinoyera | Chita che Zvipo Zve Moto | Christa Sevika Sangha | Community of All Hallows | Community of Christ the King | Community of Jesus' Compassion | Community of Nazareth | Community of Our Lady & Saint John | Community of St. Andrew | Community of St. Clare | Community of St. Denys | Community of St. Francis | Community of St. John Baptist | Community of St. John the Divine | Community of St. John the Evangelist | Community of St. Laurence | Community of St. Mary | Community of St. Mary at the Cross | Community of St. Mary the Virgin | Community of St. Michael & All Angels | Community of St. Paul | Community of St. Peter | Community of the Blessed Lady Mary | Community of the Companions of Jesus the Good Shepherd | Community of the Divine Compassion | Community of the Glorious Ascension | Community of the Good Shepherd | Community of the Holy Cross | Community of the Holy Family | Community of the Holy Name | Community of the Holy Spirit | Community of the Holy Transfiguration | Community of the Reparation to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament | Community of the Resurrection | Community of the Sacred Name | Community of the Sacred Passion | Community of the Servants of the Cross | Community of the Servants of the Will of God | Community of the Sisters of Melanesia | Community of the Sisters of the Church | Community of the Sisters of the Love of God | Community of the Transfiguration | Congregation of the Sisters of the Visitation of our Lady | Daughters of St. Francis | Ewell Monastery | Fikambanan'ny Mpanompovavin l Jesoa Kristy | Korean Franciscan Brotherhood | Little Brothers of Francis | Melanesian Brotherhood | Oratory of the Good Shepherd | Order of Julian of Norwich | Order of St. Anne | Order of St. Anne at Bethany Convent | Order of St. Benedict | Order of St. Helena | Order of the Holy Cross | Order of the Holy Paraclete | Order of the Teachers of the Children of God | Sisterhood of St. John the Divine | Sisterhood of St. Mary, Bangladesh | Sisterhood of the Epiphany | Sisterhood of the Holy Nativity | Sisters of Charity | Sisters of the Incarnation | Society of All Saints Sisters of the Poor | Society of Our Lady of the Isles | Society of Our Lady St. Mary | Society of St. Francis | Society of St. John the Divine | Society of St. John the Evangelist | Society of St. Margaret | Society of St. Paul | Society of the Franciscan Servants of Jesus & Mary | Society of the Holy Cross | Society of the Holy Trinity | Society of the Precious Blood | Society of the Sacred Advent | Society of the Sacred Cross | Society of the Sacred Mission | Society of the Sisters of Bethany