Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (Mahadev Mukherjee)

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CPI(ML) poster in Kolkata
CPI(ML) poster in Kolkata
CPI(ML) poster in Kolkata
CPI(ML) poster in Kolkata

Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) [Mahadev Mukherjee] is a communist political party in India.

Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) was formed in 1969 by the All India Coordination Committee of Communist Revolutionaries, who had split from Communist Party of India (Marxist) in 1967.The Party was formed by Charu Mazumdar on the Lenin's 100th birthday 22nd April 1969. The party launched vigorous struggle in the countrysides and many revolutionaries lost their lives fighting the state repression. CPI(ML) advocated armed struggle and condemned participation in parliamentary elections and work in mass movements. The Party organized the First Congress in May 1970 in Calcutta. Charu Mazumdar was elected the general secretary of the party. His articles published in Deshabrati, Liberation created stir among the youths and students. The party lost major leaders of its highest body the Central Committee, especially Saroj Dutta and Panchadri Krishnamurthy, also Adibhatla Kailashm to the police repression. The party suffered a big loss in July 1972, when Charu Mazumdar was arrested and tortured to death by the police. He was killed on 28th July 1972. After that the Chinese started propagating the "Lin Piao" Conspiracy Theory. Mahadev Mukherjee and Sharma reorganized a new Central Committee on 5-6 December 1972. The Central Committee upholded Charu Mazumdar as the revolutionary authority of India. Against which reformist, and anti-Charu Mazumdar forces started disobeying the Central Committee. The Party was divided on the Pro-Lin and Anti-Lin stand. The Central Committee led by Mahadev Mukherjee followed the pro-Lin stand and organized the Second Congress of the party which endorsed the authority of Charu Mazumdar's Line and the question of Lin Piao. The Congress was organized at Kamalpur which became a centre of an armed confrontation between the people and the military. Soon some divisions aroused in the Central Committee, and a major coup was organized to oust Mahadev Mukherjee at Deganga, the anti-Mahadev faction discarded Lin Piao and plotted to assassinate Mahadev with the police help at Shillong the capital of Meghalaya. Failing at which Mahadev was arrested and thrown behind bars. While the pro Mahadev group organized a jail break from the Presidency Jail at Kolkatta. Mahadev after his release from jail in the late 70's reorganized the Central Committee and led armed struggle in many provinces of India. But later another split was designed by two prominent and famous intellectuals Azijul Haque and Nishit Bhattacharya who were the Central Committee members having differences with Mahadevs style of work and they launched the Second Central Committee of CPI (M-L). They carried a big part of the loyalists with them who were offended with Mahadev's sectarianism. The Second CC dosent lasted to long. It later got divided in many factions some of which merged into MCCI in 2003. The CPI (M-L) Mahadev Mukherjee still follows Lin Piao. The Mahadev Mukherjee led CPI (M-L) has organizational presence in Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, Andaman Nicober Islands, West Bengal, New Delhi. The party boycotted the 2004 parliamentary polls, and called for armed struggle. The party does not carry out open works and is an underground party. It holds rallies and mass meetings in Naxalbari and Siliguri region of West Bengal only. The party organized a mass rally at Naxalbari on 25th May 2006.

The party publishes Liberation (English), Deshabrati (Bengali), Lokyudda (Hindi) and Era Janda (Telugu).

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