Common Yellowthroat

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Common Yellowthroat

Conservation status
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Parulidae
Genus: Geothlypis
Species: G. trichas
Binomial name
Geothlypis trichas
(Linnaeus, 1766)

The Common Yellowthroat, Geothlypis trichas, is a New World warbler. It is an abundant breeder in North America from southern Canada to central Mexico.

Northern races are migratory, wintering in the southern parts of the breeding range, Central America and the West Indies. Southern forms are largely resident. This species is a very rare vagrant to western Europe.

The Common Yellowthroat has a brown back, yellow throat and white belly. The adult male has a black facemask, bordered above with gray. Females are similar, but lack the black mask.

There are 13 races, which differ mainly in the male's face pattern and the brightness of the yellow underparts. The southwestern forms are the brightest and most yellow below.

The breeding habitat is marshes and other wet areas with dense low vegetation. They may also be found in other areas with dense shrub, but are less common in dry areas. Females appear to prefer males with larger masks. Common Yellowthroats nest low in vegetation, laying 3-5 eggs in a cup nest. Both parents feed the young.

These birds feed on insects, which are usually captured in dense vegetation, but sometimes caught in midair. The song is a loud wichety wichety wichety wich. The call is a soft jip. Despite a decline in numbers in some areas due to loss of favoured habitat, this species is still very common.


[edit] Photo Gallery

[edit] Reference

New World Warblers by Curson, Quinn and Beadle, ISBN 0-7136-3932-6

[edit] External Links

[edit] Further reading

[edit] Book

  • Guzy, M. J., and G. Ritchison. 1999. Common Yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas). In The Birds of North America, No. 448 (A. Poole and F. Gill, eds.). The Birds of North America, Inc., Philadelphia, PA.

[edit] Thesis

  • Ball RM, Jr. Ph.D. (1990). The phylogeography of avian species: Observations and expectations. University of Georgia, United States -- Georgia.
  • Boarman WI. Ph.D. (1992). The evolution of avian song: A study of the impact of sound propagation on animal communication. Rutgers The State University of New Jersey - New Brunswick, United States -- New Jersey.
  • Brown BT. Ph.D. (1987). Ecology of riparian breeding birds along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, Arizona. The University of Arizona, United States -- Arizona.
  • Chmielewski A. M.S. (1992). The effects of right-of-way construction through forest interior habitat on bird and small mammal populations and rates of nest predation. State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, United States -- New York.
  • Cooper TR. Ph.D. (2005). Grassland and woodland bird occurrence and habitat selection in the prairie-forest transition zone of Minnesota. South Dakota State University, United States -- South Dakota.
  • Garvin JC. Ph.D. (2006). Male ornaments, extra-pair mating, and immunocompetence in the common yellowthroat. The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, United States -- Wisconsin.
  • Hofslund PB. Ph.D. (1954). A LIFE HISTORY STUDY OF THE YELLOW-THROAT, GEOTHLYPIS TRICHAS. University of Michigan, United States -- Michigan.
  • Hull SD. Ph.D. (2002). The relationships among vegetative structure, arthropod populations, and grassland bird abundance and reproductive success on wildlife production areas in Ohio. The Ohio State University, United States -- Ohio.
  • Klicka JT. M.S. (1994). The biological and taxonomic status of the Brownsville yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas insperata). Texas A&M University - Kingsville, United States -- Texas.
  • Klimstra JD. M.S. (2003). Using banding data to assess the use of 100-meter-wide habitat corridors by breeding landbirds, in an intensively managed pine landscape. North Carolina State University, United States -- North Carolina.
  • McCoy TD. Ph.D. (2000). Effects of landscape composition and multi-scale habitat characteristics on the grassland bird community. University of Missouri - Columbia, United States -- Missouri.
  • Moorman CE. Ph.D. (1999). Relationships between artificially created gaps and breeding birds in a southeastern bottomland forest. Clemson University, United States -- South Carolina.
  • Morimoto DC. Ph.D. (1989). Avian community structure and habitat relationships in the southeastern Massachusetts pine barrens. Boston University, United States -- Massachusetts.
  • Negus LP. M.S. (2006). Grassland bird response to disking/interseeding of legumes in conservation reserve program lands in northeast Nebraska. Oklahoma State University, United States -- Oklahoma.
  • Pagenkopp K. M.S. (2006). Using parasite lineages to track the migratory patterns of the common yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas). The American University, United States -- District of Columbia.
  • Skaley JE. Ph.D. (1981). CLASSIFYING AVIAN HABITAT WITH AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS. Cornell University, United States -- New York.
  • Witt JW. Ph.D. (2005). Shrub and grassland birds at Occoquan Bay National Wildlife Refuge in northern Virginia and the influence burning and mowing has had upon their distribution and abundance. George Mason University, United States -- Virginia.
  • Woodrey MS. Ph.D. (1995). Stopover behavior and age-specific ecology of neotropical passerine migrant landbirds during autumn along the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico. The University of Southern Mississippi, United States -- Mississippi.

[edit] Articles

  • Abroe B, Garvin JC, Pedersen MC, Whittingham LA & Dunn PO. (2007). Brood sex ratios are related to male size but not to attractiveness in common yellowthroats (Geothlypis trichas). Auk. vol 124, no 1. p. 176-184.
  • Allen JC, Krieger SM, Walters JR & Collazo JA. (2006). Associations of breeding birds with fire-influenced and riparian-upland gradients in a longleaf pine ecosystem. Auk. vol 123, no 4. p. 1110-1128.
  • Ball RM, Jr. & Avise JC. (1992). Mitochondrial DNA phylogeographic differentiation among avian populations and the evolutionary significance of subspecies. Auk. vol 109, no 3. p. 626-636.
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  • Brown BT & Trosset MW. (1989). Nesting-Habitat Relationships of Riparian Birds Along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon Arizona USA. Southwestern Naturalist. vol 34, no 2. p. 260-270.
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  • Pedersen MC, Dunn PO & Whittingham LA. (2006). Extraterritorial forays are related to a male ornamental trait in the common yellowthroat. Animal Behaviour. vol 72, no Part 2. p. 479-486.
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  • Peterson KA, Thusius KJ, Whittingham LA & Dunn PO. (2001). Allocation of male parental care in relation to paternity within and among broods of the common yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas). Ethology. vol 107, no 7. p. 573-586.
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