Common Interest

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"Common Interest" is the thirty-seventh episode of the French animated television series Code Lyoko. It premiered in France on November 9, 2005 and in the United States on October 3, 2005.


[edit] Summary

When the supercomputer's uranium power source begins to fail, XANA is forced to possess a local criminal named Peter Duncan to replace it. The Supercomputer's periodic shutdowns threaten not only XANA, but also Aelita, whose heart stops beating with each shutdown.

[edit] Recap

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

XANA activates a Tower in the Ice Barrier Sector. Two Tarantulas can be seen in front of it.

In the real world, several officers from the city's police department are transporting a dangerous criminal in an armored car. A nearby electric fence lights up and one of XANA's clouds emerge from it. In the van, one of the officers tries to be nice to the criminal, named Peter Duncan. He shoos the officer away. XANA's cloud comes out of the lighting in the armored car and possesses Duncan. XANA's makes it look as if the perp had a heart attack. When the officers investigate, XANA-Duncan attacks them.

At the school, Odd, Ulrich and Yumi are discussing the escapee. Yumi mentions that the police said that Duncan seemed to have supernatural powers and thinks it might be XANA. Jeremie arrives with Aelita and shrugs it off saying that he checked the Super Scanner and it came up negative for activated Towers. Aelita has a small headache at this point. Jeremie mentions their math test and wants to make sure she's ok. She recovers and insists that it's nothing.

During the test, XANA-Duncan is running through the city's woodland reserves.

Jeremie finishes first as always.

At the same time, XANA-Duncan eye's (which flicker with the Eye of XANA) go blank and he collapses.

Aelita does the same.

In a SAMU Ambulance, the paramedics are tending to Aelita. Once they get to Paul Doumer Hospital (seen in "Killer Music", the doctors do everything they can to try to help Aelita. It's all in vain, however, as she flatlines despite their help.

XANA-Duncan wakes up in the forests.

Aelita follows suit. The doctor informs the rest of the gang that Aelita will be fine. They go to her room to talk to her. Jeremie figures out that his scanning program has a bug and needs to be fixed. Odd and Ulrich go with him to the Factory while Yumi stays with Aelita.

Meanwhile, another armored car, this one with a radiation marker on the side, is seen driving on a country highway. Duncan intercepts the armored car by leaping out into the middle of the road. The driver can't stop in time to avoid hitting XANA-Duncan, but the possessed criminal just folds under the vehicle and reforms. He used some of his XANA-granted powers to wrench open the back hatch of the armored car. Two military guards, both armed with FAMAS rifles, emerge from the back and attempt to hinder XANA-Duncan's progress. Needless to say, they're not successful. Duncan effortlessly removes them from his presence and proceeds to the van's inner compartment. Duncan is gone by the time the driver comes to assist. Inside the armored car, a radioactive containment unit can be seen. One of the cells that it's carrying is missing.

In the Lab, Jeremie is trying to fix the Super Scanner. Odd suggests they go to Lyoko and search the old-fashioned way. Jeremie agrees and sends them to Lyoko. After getting their Vehicles, the gang finds the activated Tower. No monsters are around to guard it. Jeremie is about to bring them back when all the Factory equipment shuts down. Odd and Ulrich are left wondering what's happening. Meanwhile, Aelita's condition starts to get worse again. Eventually, Odd and Ulrich find themselves facing a rapidly disappearing Lyoko. The landscape, including the Towers, is fading away. They start a futile attempt to outrun the erasure. Ulrich's Overbike suddenly disappears and Odd rescues him in a dive. The rescue only prolongs the inevitable, as Odd's Overboard is next to vanish. They are soon dropped into the yawning abyss.

Back on Earth, Jeremie is desperately trying to start the Supercomputer.

Aelita has flatlined again and Odd and Ulrich are rapidly plummeting into the Digital Void. The Supercalculator turns back on in time to save all three. The boys land on the edge of a platform. After climbing back up (Ulrich moves slow and deliberate, while Odd goes quicker; they both get up at the same time) they look at each other and laugh nervously.

At Paul Doumer Hospital, Jeremie explains to the others that the Supercalculator needs power. The Uranium fuel cell that powers it is nearly dead. Aelita, still in her room, overhears the whole conversation. Jeremie, grief-striken, goes to get a drink from the vending area. The others try to console Aelita, but she's not too cheerful either. XANA-Duncan shows up at the snack room and kidnaps Jeremie.

Aelita's condition goes south once again and the gang can't find a trace of Jeremie. He calls them and tells them about XANA-Duncan. It seems that XANA provided the power cell for the Supercalculator. Jeremie has his friends get Aelita to the Factory so XANA-Duncan won't kill him before the Tower can be shut down. Jeremie installs the new cell and manages to escape XANA-Duncan. In the Scanner Room, Aelita, Odd and Yumi are ready to go to Lyoko. Ulrich stays behind to deal with XANA-Duncan.

On Lyoko, Aelita, Odd and Yumi are faced with five Kankrelats. They make short work of four and head for the Tower. The two Tarantulas seen earlier are back now. Aelita and Yumi lead one away. It follows them and eventually takes out their Overwing. Yumi tells Aelita to head for the Tower while she deals with the Tarantula. It gives Yumi something of a hard time, but she eventually hits the Eye of XANA and destroys it.

In the Lab, XANA-Duncan shows up to take care of Jeremie and Ulrich. Ulrich tries to fight back, but he's no match for the XANA-Duncan. Jeremie is left backing away from an advancing XANA-Duncan

Meanwhile, Odd is dealing with the other Tarantula. He uses the Tower for shielding and leads the monster away on his Overboard. Odd hits a cliff edge and turns to fight the Tarantula. It eventually hits his Vehicle. Both of them eventually end up at the Tower after the chase with Odd minus an Overboard. Aelita shows up, providing just a small enough distraction to cost Odd his lifepoints. Lucky for Aelita, Yumi shows up in time to save her. However, Yumi also gets distracted and is devirtualized. Aelita, racing for time, uses her Creativity to open a wide gap in the ice. She drops the Tarantula into the Digital Void and heads into the Tower. This tower scene is a little different from previous ones, showing Aelita from a different angle. She even does a backflip on the way up. She shuts down the Tower just as XANA-Duncan is about to electrocute Jeremie. With the Tower deactivated, Jeremie is able to knock out Duncan with a two handed punch.

At the school, Yumi is reading an article detailing the mysterious delivery of Duncan to the front door of the city's Police Headquarters. Odd goes off on a rant about how they're unsung heroes of the world and they'll eventually get credit for all they've done. Jeremie interrupts him with the test results for the math quiz. Odd asks what he got and Jeremie responds with the math problem 8650 + 51 - 10000 + 1299. Odd takes a bit to figure this out and comes up with 100 as his score. Jeremie corrects him with the correct answer, which is zero. Ulrich and Yumi use Odd's earlier tirade against him, saying how everyone will praise him for not studying in order to save the world. They all get a good laugh out of this.

Spoilers end here.

[edit] Memorable Quotes

Odd: That’s how it is for unsung heroes like ourselves. We gotta act and win and remain in the shadows. I guess that’s what being a true hero is all about. But someday, everyone is gonna know just how brave we are, and we'll reek the real benefits and rewards true heroes deserve.
Jeremie: Hey, speaking of rewards. I just saw Mrs. Meyer.
Odd: Uh-oh
Jeremie: She gave me the results of the math test.
Odd: Ehh… great what did I get?
Jeremie: 8650+51-10,000+1299
Odd: You mean I got uh…Wow! I got 100!?
Jeremie: No, zero!
Ulrich: Don't worry, Odd. One day everyone’s gonna know how brave you are by not studying. And you'll reek the rewards that an unsung hero like you deserves.
Yumi: But don't hold your breath!
Jeremie: (referring to attacking monsters) Can you handle him?
Ulrich: I love entertaining guests!
Odd: Kankrelats! We haven't seen you guys for a while. I missed you!
Jeremie: Yumi, Ulrich, Odd, are you there? Please tell me you're there!
Odd: You're there!
Ulrich: What is that?
Odd: How about... a gigantic, invisible eraser?
Odd: I have no idea, but we've got a real problem.
Ulrich: That’s the understatement of the year.
Yumi: Hiroki says to my father, "Papa, when I grow up I want to look just like you, but with muscles!"
Odd: Hmm… must've forgotten to pay his phone bill.
Odd: Ever since David Copperfield made the Statue of Liberty disappear, nothing surprises me anymore.
Jeremie: A Super Computer is not the same as a Game boy, Odd! You can’t just pick up a bar of Uranium at the corner store!
Ulrich: You know, Jeremie... It's not like I have somewhere to be, but... You're sure taking your time!

[edit] Trivia

[edit] Cinematic Notes

  • When in the hospital room with Aelita, Odd's undershirt was his skin tone.
  • At the hospital, when the gang was talking with Aelita, Yumi asked, "How were your test results?" When Aelita replied, you could see she was wearing a green hospital gown. Then the view changed to Ulrich and he offered the suggestion that it might have something to do with the fact that she isn't really human. Then the view changes back to Aelita, and the gown is gone. The view changes to the gang again, and when it changes back to Aelita, the gown is back.
  • When Xana activates his tower, it is clearly the one he used in "New Order". However, when Odd and Ulrich arrive at the tower, it is now the one he used in "St. Valentine's Day". In addition, Xana brings two Tarantulas to his tower at the start of the show, but when Odd and Ulrich get to the tower, there are no monsters in sight.

[edit] Culture Notes

  • The two military soldiers assigned to guard the armored car wielded FAMAS Rifles. This particular brand of automatic rifle is standard issue among French military forces, much like the M-16 in the United States. It is manufactured by the St-Etienne Arms Factory.

[edit] Allusions to the Real World

  • Odd: You know? Ever since David Copperfield made the Statue of Liberty disappear, nothing surprises me anymore!

Odd is referring to the world famous magician/illusionist, David Copperfield, whose real name is David Seth Kotkin. He took his stage name from the title character of the classic novel by Charles Dickens, David Copperfield. It also makes reference to the Statue of Liberty, a gift to the United States from France after the American War for Independence. The statue sits in the harbor of New York City.

  • Jeremie mentions to Odd that he can’t use an ordinary battery from a Game Boy to power the super computer. A Game Boy is battery operated portable handle-held game system that was created in 1989 by Nintendo. Over the years, different updated variations of the console have been released. This also confirms that Odd's portable handheld game systems are indeed Game Boys.
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