Commodore DOS

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Commodore DOS, aka CBM DOS, was the disk operating system used with Commodore's 8-bit computers. Unlike most other DOS systems before or since—which are booted from disk into the system's own RAM at startup, and executed there—CBM DOS was executed internally in the drive: the DOS resided in drive-internal ROM chips, and was run by a dedicated MOS 6502 CPU.

Inside Commodore DOS was a popular reference guide to the CBM 1541's CBM DOS 2.6.
Inside Commodore DOS was a popular reference guide to the CBM 1541's CBM DOS 2.6.


[edit] CBM DOS versions

At least seven distinctly numbered versions of Commodore DOS are known to exist; the following list gives the version numbers and related disk drives. Unless otherwise noted, drives are 5¼-inch format. The "lp" code designates "low profile" drives. Drives whose model number starts with 15 connect via Commodore's proprietary serial protocol, all others use IEEE-488.

  •   1.0 – found in the 2040 and 3040 floppy drives
  •   2.0 – found in the 4040 and 3040 floppy drives
  •   2.6 – found in the 1540, 1541, 1551, 2031 (+"lp"), and 4031 floppy drives
  •   2.7 – found in the 8050, 8250 (+"lp"), and SFD-1001 floppy drives
  •   3.0 – found in the 1570, 1571, and 8280 floppy drives (8280: 8-inch), as well as the 9060 and 9090 hard drives
  •   3.1 – found in the built-in 1571 drive of C128D/DCR computers
  • 10.0 – found in the 1581 (3½-inch)

Version 2.6 was by far the most commonly used, and known, DOS version, due to its use in the 1541 (which sold in large numbers to users of C64s), and its emulation in the numerous third-party clones of that drive.

[edit] Technical overview

[edit] Directory and file types

The floppies themselves can contain up to 144 files. File names can contain up to 16 characters. There are no subdirectories and file names theoretically need to be unique (that is, if a file with specific name exists, a new file cannot be created with that name or an existing file cannot be renamed to that); however, by writing to disc directory blocks directly, it is possible to make multiple files have the same name, though accessing them may be difficult or impossible. Files with the same name usually serve no purpose except to inform or visually manage files. One popular trick, used, for example, by The Final Cartridge III, was to add files named "----------------" of type DEL< to the directory, and files could then be rearranged around those lines to form groups. Many game developers, warez group members and demoscene hackers used some more clever custom directory entries as well.

There's also one curious quirk in file names: File names may contain shift+space character, and the remainder of the name will appear after file name in the directory and is not really considered to be part of the file name. This is frequently used to create things like SAVE "PROGRAM(shift+space),8,1:",8,1 which will then appear in directory as, for example, 32 "PROGRAM",8,1: PRG. When the user then moves the cursor to the beginning of the line and types LOAD, overwriting the file size on that line, and presses enter, the Commodore BASIC interprets that as LOAD "PROGRAM",8,1: ..., ignoring any commands after colon.

In BASIC, the directory can be accessed with LOAD "$",8 followed by LIST. Interestingly, on the Commodore 64, entering LOAD "$",8,1 will flood the screen with garbage instead of loading the directory into BASIC RAM. This is because the drive assigns the directory a starting address of $0401 (1025), which is equivalent to the start of BASIC for the Commodore PET, but corresponds to the default screen memory in the C64.

Viewing the directory with a LOAD "$",8 command overwrites the BASIC program in memory. The DOS Wedge and various third-party cartridges and extenders such as Epyx FastLoad, Action Replay and The Final Cartridge III allow viewing of the disk directory using special commands without destroying the current BASIC program.

The following file types are supported:


Sequential files are data files that can be read in a linear fashion. Many word processing and other office suite applications used files of this type for data storage.


Similar to SEQ files, but they have program location header as the two first bytes. All machine language and BASIC programs are saved as PRG, and can be loaded to memory with the BASIC's LOAD command (or KERNAL's LOAD call).


Relative files are files with fixed-size records. Unlike the other file formats, REL files support true random access to any portion of the file.


User-specified files. These are physically similar to SEQ files. They were intended to hold executable code for execution with the disc drive's own processor. It is unknown if anyone found a use for the facility. Some applications save their data in this format. Most notably GEOS' "VLIR" files show up as USR files.


Undocumented internally-used file type. Likewise, similar in structure to SEQ. The DOS commands cannot create this file type, it can only be created by manipulating directory directly.

Also, files with * (for example, *SEQ) indicate that the file was not closed properly. These are referred to as "splat" or "poison" files, and generally cannot be accessed. Attempting to use the DOS Scratch command to delete them may damage other data on the disk, but all splat files can be removed from the disk by using the DOS Validate command (see below).

Files with < after them (for example, PRG<) are locked, and cannot be deleted. There is no Commodore DOS command that sets or resets this bit, but many third-party utilities were written to allow this to be done. These utilities generally read the directory using direct-access commands, perform the necessary modifications to the raw data, and then write it back to the disk.

[edit] File access

Accessing files is primarily an issue for the host computer. Firstly, KERNAL ROM in the computer contains the necessary routines to access the files themselves, and BASIC ROM contains the support for file access in BASIC. The only component that really concerns the DOS is the file name parsing with the OPEN and LOAD/SAVE commands. This section will give an overview of the necessary BASIC commands for the sake of completeness.

There are a number of parameters that are often needed to access files.

File number
In BASIC, the file number identifies an open file; analogous to file handles in modern operating systems and programming languages.
Device number
Identifies a single physical disk drive device. Typically, the first disk drive on system has device number 8, and the second drive, if any, is typically 9. Higher numbers are possible.
Drive number
The drive number - not to be confused with device number - identifies a drive within a single physical device. This is typically specified at the beginning of the file name. First floppy drive is drive 0: and second drive is 1:. These are frequently not used in post-PET models, as the later models usually only have one disk drive per unit. Even in these drives, 0: is often specified with commands.
Secondary access number
Also known as command number, this controls some of the modes on how the drive is operated.

In Commodore BASIC, a channel for reading and writing a file was opened with OPEN command. This took four parameters: BASIC file number, device number, secondary access number, and file name. Normal file was typically opened for reading with a command such as OPEN 2,8,2,"0:EXAMPLE FILE,SEQ,READ". Here, 8 refers to first floppy drive. On two-drive systems, device 9 is usually the second drive. Following the file name is the file type, and access mode (READ, WRITE or APPEND). Both of these fields can be abbreviated to their first letter (for example, OPEN 2,8,2,"0:EXAMPLE FILE,S,R")

Files can also be loaded and saved to with LOAD and SAVE commands. File name specifiers can also be used here, for example, SAVE "FILE",8,1 saves the BASIC program to PRG file and SAVE "0:FILE,SEQ,WRITE",8,1 saves the BASIC program to SEQ file. If the secondary address isn't specified (e.g. LOAD "FILE",8), the file is saved/loaded from the BASIC memory area (which, on the C64, starts by default at $0801). If the secondary address is specified (e.g. LOAD "FILE",8,1), the program is loaded starting from the address specified by the file itself (the PRG header, which is the first two bytes of the file) - this form of command is more common when loading machine code programs. Load relocation was first introduced on the VIC-20 due to the fact that this machine could start BASIC RAM in several different locations, depending on the memory expansion that was installed. The older Commodore PET series did not support relocation, so LOAD "FILE",8 and LOAD "FILE",8,1 would have the same effect - the file would be loaded into the same memory region from which it was saved.

The command LOAD "*",8,1 will load the first program on the disk starting from the file-specified memory location. This is one of the most popular load commands of the platforms, the method to start majority of commercial software, for example. Of note is the fact that the wildcard expansion will only pick the first catalog name on the first invocation; the name of the file is kept in memory, and subsequent LOAD "*",8,1 commands will load the file with same name as the previous file to memory. (However, LOAD "0:*",8,1 will always load the first file on the disk.)

[edit] The save-with-replace bug

Commodore DOS also offers a "Save-with-Replace" command, which allows a file to be saved over an existing file without the need to first SCRATCH the existing file. This was done by appending an @ symbol to the file name during the OPEN or SAVE operation - for instance, SAVE "@:MY PROGRAM",8. During the Commodore 64 era, this was the subject of a great deal of controversy, due to alleged bugs in the command's implementation on the 154x and 157x series drives. At first, this was denied by some commentators (and Commodore), but in 1985, various authors independently published articles[1][2][3] proving that the Save-with-Replace bug was real and including methods by which it could be triggered. The bug stemmed from the fact that the affected DOS implementations were modified versions of the DOS contained in earlier Commodore PET dual drives such as the 8050. This created a "phantom drive 1:" on single-drive systems, resulting in the allocation of an unnecessary buffer under some conditions.[4] Since the Save-with-Replace command used all five drive buffers, and because the method by which the "phantom" buffer was allocated did not meet specifications, this resulted in scrambled data being written to the disk under some conditions. Some commentators suggested the bug could be avoided by always explicitly specifying the 0: drive identifier, though this was later shown to be ineffective.[5] In September 1986, Philip A. Slaymaker published an article[6] describing in great detail the cause of the bug and providing patches to the 1541 drive ROMs; readers with an EPROM burner could produce their own patched ROMs which could be swapped into the drive. Commodore was made aware of Slaymaker's findings, and while they never issued an official update for the 1541 ROMs, they did fix the bug in Revision 4 of the 1571 ROMs.

[edit] Command channel

The DOS itself is accessed through command channel. This is accessed like all other files, but using the secondary address 15.

The command channel is used both to send commands to the disk drive and to read the drive status. On Commodore BASIC 4.0 and above, the channel can be read by entering the command PRINT DS$. This reserved word is not available on earlier versions of BASIC, so the command channel must be manually read with a short program:

10 OPEN 15,8,15:INPUT#15,E,E$,T,S:CLOSE 15:PRINT E,E$,T,S

(The INPUT# statement cannot be used in direct mode.) Here, E is the error code, E$ is a textual error message, and T and S represent the track and sector where the error (if any) occurred.

If no error has taken place, the command channel will usually return "00,OK,00,00". Immediately after power-on or reset, the DOS revision will be returned; on a 1541, for instance, the user would see 73,CBM DOS V2.6 1541,00,00.

Commodore DOS Commands
DOS Command BASIC 1.x and 2.x Implementation DOS Wedge Implementation BASIC 3.0+ Implementation
Format a disk, preparing it for use and deleting any data contained on it
OPEN 15,8,15,"N0:disk name,identifier":CLOSE 15 @N0:disk name,identifier HEADER "disk name",Iidentifier
Delete a file from the disk (or multiple files, using wild card matching)
OPEN 15,8,15,"S0:file name":CLOSE 15 @S0:file name SCRATCH "file name"
Rename a file on the disk
OPEN 15,8,15,"R0:new name=old name":CLOSE 15 @R0:new name=old name RENAME "old name" TO "new name"
Reset the drive and read the disk BAM into its internal memory
OPEN 15,8,15,"I0:":CLOSE 15 @I0: DCLEAR (BASIC 7.0+ only)
Reconcile the BAM with the disk directory, free all blocks not being used by files, and delete all unclosed files from the directory
OPEN 15,8,15,"V0:":CLOSE 15 @V0: COLLECT
Duplicate a file on the same disk under a different file name
OPEN 15,8,15,"C0:new name=existing name":CLOSE 15 @C0:new name=existing name COPY"existing name"TO"new name"

There are also several random-access commands (BLOCK-READ, BLOCK-WRITE), block management (BLOCK-ALLOCATE, BLOCK-FREE), 1541 memory manipulation and execution of program code in 1541's processor (MEMORY-WRITE, MEMORY-READ, MEMORY-EXECUTE, BLOCK-EXECUTE, BUFFER-POINTER) and user-defined functions (USER commands).

[edit] References

  1. ^ Charles H. Whittern. "Save @ Exposed!" Transactor Vol. 6 № 1, July 1985.
  2. ^ P. A. Slaymaker. "Save-with-replace: Debugged at Last". COMPUTE! № 65, October 1985. Excerpt available at <>.
  3. ^ Editors. "Save@: Gerry Neufield's Theory on an Old Bug". Info № 9, December 1985/January 1986.
  4. ^ Some commentators argue that the save-with-replace bug existed even on dual-drive systems such as the 4040. See, for example, the Editor's Notes to Slaymaker's 1986 Transactor article.
  5. ^ Excerpt of e-mail from Philip A. Slaymaker
  6. ^ Philip A. Slaymaker. "Eliminating SAVE@ and Other 1541 Bugs". Transactor Vol. 7 № O2, September 1986, pp. 33–35.
  1. Immers, Richard; Neufeld, Gerald G. (1984). Inside Commodore DOS. The Complete Guide to the 1541 Disk Operating System. DATAMOST, Inc & Reston Publishing Company, Inc. (Prentice-Hall). ISBN 0-8359-3091-2.
  2. Englisch, Lothar; Szczepanowski, Norbert (1984). The Anatomy of the 1541 Disk Drive. Grand Rapids, MI: Abacus Software (translated from the original 1983 German edition, Düsseldorf: Data Becker GmbH). ISBN 0-916439-01-1.
  3. (Finnish) Lundahl, Reijo (1986). 1541-Levyasema. Amersoft. ISBN 951-35-3206-2
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