Comment Nuker

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[edit] Comment Nuker

The Comment Nuker is a special type of disruptive spam being transmitted through the MySpace social network. This nickname was originally coined by the Wikipedia and Myspace user, Net Faux, in April of 2007.

[edit] What Is It?

This spam features an unclosed <textarea> HTML tag which disrupts the comment section. No comments prior to the Comment Nuker post will be shown, and the bottom part of the comment itself will not allow for deletion. This even continues if one seeks to remove it by trying to view all comments. In effect, all prior comments are removed and rendered inaccessible ('nuked'). Some users may identify this as having almost all of their comments deleted, but they are only being hidden until the problem is corrected.

[edit] Removal

In order to remove the Comment Nuker, one must go to Edit Profile. Then, the user must enter the Safe Edit Mode section where they open the Comments page in order to delete the offending comment. Another way to prevent a Comment Nuker is to disable HTML in your comments or select the option which allows the user to screen comments prior to their addition to the profile's comment list.

[edit] Proliferation

A Comment Nuker is usually the result of a malicious spam bot. Users who find people whose profiles have been phished (phishing) by such a spam bot should be notified so that they may change their password.

[edit] Related Links



