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Combarbala is a city in Chile , located in the Region of Coquimbo. Its surface is of 2257.5 km 2 and limits with Montepatria, Punitaqui, Canela, and Illapel.


[edit] History

Lived about 5000 years ago by Indian peoples like Molles and Diaguitas, those were these that received the Spanish conquerors, in 16th century.

The zone began to fill with Spaniards and mestizos in 17th century, to such point that in the following century was in the sector a little indigenous population that survived the gold mines under protection of and receives, in addition to the small agriculture and pasturing. The geographic isolation allowed that still by the end of 18th century survived a small group of entrusted Indians.

Catholic Bishop Mr. Manuel Alday visited the zone, because the Church was worried about the neglect of the population. A parish was based in 1757, creating this way the Church of Combarbala, which was the first step to found a city, which happened in November 30, 1789. The foundation was in charge of the Spanish Captain Mr. Juan Ignacio Flores, during the Mr. Ambrosio ÓHiggins's government.

The foundation its regularized according to decree, arising with the name of San Francisco de Borja de Combarbala Ville.

At the beginning of 18th century, copper, silver and gold minerals were discovered, which gave origin to the formation of the city, as it bases of an important mining establishment.

[edit] Geography

Combarbala is located in the geographical coordinateses: 31° 11´ South latitude; and 71° 02´ west longitude. The city is located to 904 mts. on the level of the sea.

Combarbala is located in the 04th zone of Chile, and is part of the Province of Limarí. City limits to Montepatria by the north; Illapel and Canela by the south; and by the west the city of Punitaqui.

Physical Geography

As far as her physical characteristics, the city is inserted between the Limarí River, by the north; and Choapa River, by the south. In general terms, one is in the region of cross-sectional valleys, presenting/displaying a well-known mountainous relief.

Some important heights in the commune are:

  • Pabellon Hill: 4700 mts. on the level of the sea.
  • Chaguareche Hill: 2612 mts. on the level of the sea.
  • Ramadilla Hill: with 1353 mts. on the level of the sea.
  • Movilo Hill: 1230 mts. on the level of the sea.


Combarbala's climate corresponds to semi-arid, with an atmospheric dryness that borders 50%; high summer temperatures, great thermal oscillation and with a great transparency of skies.

In a normal year of precipitations, they are about 200 mm, but in the region forts also appear droughts and great weathers.


The natural vegetation is clearly associate with the climate of the zone. One prevails a flora of steppe, adapted to the dryness, predominating stocky shrubs, cactus, hawthorns, carob trees, peppers, etc.

It is only possible to observe green trees in the sectors of broken and rivers. Therefore the dryness is a predominant characteristic in the mountainous landscape of the city.


The city presents/displays numerous broken which "they lower" at time of winter, paying its waters to greater courses, which are the rivers Cogoti River, Combarbalá River and Pama River.

All of them drain their waters to the Cogoti dam, located out of the city, who has capacity to store 150 million cubic meters. From that place, through the Guatulame River, the water arrives at the La Paloma dam, in the city of Ovalle.

The water obstacle of the commune presents/displays a mixed regime, being fed by waters rains and the melting on the snow, reason for which presents/displays two swellings in the year: One at winter time, and another one at summer time.

Economic Activities

Combarbala's people develop activities in agriculture, specially grape for export. The operation of the goat cattle, mining and crafts of the combarbalita stone are important productive activities.

[edit] Tourism

A varied panorama waits for the visitor in Combarbala. Being a small city, its have a great number of attractions for tourist.


Combarbala is possessing ones of testimonies of the old civilizations that populated the Limari valley.

In Ramadilla, in the Pama Zone and other places, exist great amount and variety of petroglifos. They emphasize, specially in El Rincon de Las Chilcasarea, to the interior of Cogoti, where is located great number of vestiges lazy on rock by the natives during the pre-Columbian period.

Cogoti Dam

In 1940, the zone its beneficiary with a great engineer installation. At that time, a dam with capacity was constructed to store 150 million cubic meters of water, which created a new attractive element of tourism in the zone.

The Cogoti dam, call product from which receives waters of the Cogoti river, next to those of the rivers Pama and Combarbala, is strides along of calm waters in which the visitor can swim relaxed and to even encamp on the feet of the hills that surround it. By the calm of its waters, and the pleasant breeze that blows in the place, is possible to make in the nautical sports like Windsurf or others.

The dam, located between Combarbala and La Ligua de Cogoti zone, take waters more than 30 km, extending them until the City of Ovalle and watering the sector of Los Llanos de Camarico and even some agricultural territories of Punitaqui.

Other touristic ones

  • Spas of "Los Pozos" and "La Coipa".
  • Petrified forest, in El Algarrobal, to 03 km. of the city.
  • Piedra del Fraile, in Pama, to 03 km. of the city.
  • Adventure activities in Barrancas, Chineo and Fragüita, to 11 km. to the interior of the city.
  • San Francisco de Borja de Combarbala Church, founded on 1754. Historical monument and attractive touristic in downtown.

[edit] Interesting tips of Combarbala

"El Clasico" ("The Classic", in English)

When the summer begins to take leave, Combarbala is prepared to live the great party on the summer: El Clasico.

In February, the Social and Sport Clubs "Los Loros" and "Union Juvenil" dispute the title of the best one of the city. For weeks, the citizens is divided between "Loros" and "Juveniles", facing in entertainments sport and cultural activities that decide the triumph of only one. This, finally, it is decided after an exciting Basketball game.

La isla and the religious fever

The first Sunday in May is celebrated the traditional religious celebration of the Virgin of the Stone, in La Isla ville, located to 22 km. from Combarbala. This ville receives to thousands of faithfuls who, demonstrating a great devotion, pay your "mandas" (its means, pray to the virgin for miracles, those that soon are paid with personal acts), as well as to renew his requests to God.

[edit] Origin of name "Combarbala"

The explanations for the origin of the name "Combarbala" are many differents:

  • The city receives this name, but according to the chronicles of Mr. Geronimo de Vivar, companion of the conqueror Pedro de Valdivia, the original name would be "Cocambala", written as a Spanish listened, according to its orthographic norms. The "Cocambala" word, not necessarily can to be word, but that exists possibility that it is the union of several, like for example; "Ko"(water)," Kam"(far) and "Wala"(Aquatic bird) in Mapudungun language. So, Combarbala - or Kokamwala- would mean "far water, where there are birds".
  • Other explanations say that the name of the city would come from the Quechua word "Cumparpayay", that means "to divide with hammer", "to fall down violently" or "to come fallen down". Nevertheless, studies have demonstrated that the Indians who lived in the zone did not speak the language of the Indians of the Limari Valley, but that Mapudungun native language.
  • The third theory, based on legends, indicates that the city is called "Combarbala", because exists an alone Indian of the zone, called "La". The Indian, after long time, appear with a dense beard, which the cause that the population indicated to the place like that where was "Con-Barba-La" (with-beard-"La", in English).

[edit] External links

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