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Environmental science
Environmental technology

Alternative energy refers to energy sources which are not based on the burning of fossil fuels or nuclear fission. The overall focus of this category is not so much on "clean" energy sources, but rather a list of alternatives.

The main article for this category is ComES.
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The French Solar Energy Authority (Commissariat à l'Energie Solaire, ComES), a public scientific and industrial entity, was set up in 1978 to promote a comprehensive energy policy based on energy savings, on efficient energy management, and on renewable sources of energy (photovoltaic, solar thermal, wind, hydraulic, biomass). It was supervised by the Ministry for industry and by the Ministry for research. When it was discontinued, its duties were taken up by the French Agency for the Environment and Energy Management, ADEME.

The first Managing Director and Chief Executive of ComES was M. Henry Durand, an engineer.

As a national agency, ComES defined, financed and evaluated projects using renewable energies. Shortly after this agency was created, its Department of international affairs was set up (by Jean-Jacques Subrenat, a career diplomat), and became involved in a number of projects, both multilateral and in the context of bilateral relations between France and partner countries.

A new distribution of tasks among public agencies led to the French Solar Energy Authority being discontinued: its tasks were taken over, and expanded, by ADEME which, compared with its predecessors, has a wider purvue which includes the environment.

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