Columbia Basin Project

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The Columbia Basin Irrigation Project
The Columbia Basin Irrigation Project

The Columbia Basin Project is an irrigation project in Central Washington, USA. It provides water for over 600,000 acres (2,400 km²) of agriculture.


[edit] History

The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation was created 1902 to aid development of dry western states. Central Washington's Columbia River Plateau was a prime candidate — a desert with fertile loess soil and the Columbia River passing through.

Competing groups lobbied for different irrigation projects; a Spokane group wanted a 134 mile (216 km) gravity flow canal from Lake Pend Oreille while a Wenatchee group (further south) wanted a large dam on the Columbia River near Grand Coulee, which would be filled with water pumped up from the river.

Note the difference between Grand Coulee and Grand Coulee Dam. The dam is on the Columbia River, while Grand Coulee itself is a large formerly-dry canyon-like coulee near the river.

After thirteen years of debate, President Franklin D. Roosevelt authorized the dam project. Construction of the Grand Coulee Dam began in 1933 and was completed in 1942. Its main purpose of pumping water for irrigation was postponed during World War II in favor of electrical power generation that was used for the war effort. Additional hydroelectric generating capacity was added into the 1970s. The Columbia River resevoir behind the dam was named Franklin Delano Roosevelt Lake in honor of the president.

The irrigation part of the project began operation in 1951.

[edit] Geology

Drumheller Channels, 10 miles (16 km) south of Potholes Reservoir, are examples of channeled scablands
Drumheller Channels, 10 miles (16 km) south of Potholes Reservoir, are examples of channeled scablands

The Columbia Basin in Central Washington is fertile due to its loess soils, but large portions are a near desert, receiving less than ten inches of rain per year. The area is characterized by huge deposits of flood basalt, thousands of feet thick in places, laid down over a period of approximately 11 million years, during the Miocene epoch.[1] These flood basalts are exposed in some places, while in others they are covered with thick layers of loess.

During the last ice age glaciers shaped the landscape of the Columbia River Plateau. Ice blocked the Columbia River near the north end of Grand Coulee, creating glacial lakes Columbia and Spokane. Ice age glaciers also created Glacial Lake Missoula, in what is now Montana. Erosion allowed glacial Lake Columbia to begin to drain into what became Grand Coulee, which was fully created when glacial Lake Missoula along with glacial Lake Columbia catastrophically burst.[2] This flood event was one of several known as the Missoula Floods. Unique erosion features, called channeled scablands, are attributed to these amazing floods.

[edit] Irrigation of the Columbia Basin

The Grand Coulee Dam was the largest dam in the world when it was built, but it was only part of the irrigation project. Grand Coulee had small dams added that turned part of it into the thirty mile (50 km) long Banks Lake. This was the first leg of storage and distribution for the water. Additional canals, siphons and lakes were built for a hundred miles (160 km) south of the dam.

Water is lifted 280 feet from Lake Roosevelt to feed the massive network. Some of the spring runoff is stored in this network for use throughout the growing season.

Between 2 and 3% of the Columbia's flow is currently diverted at the Grand Coulee Dam. There are plans to double the area of irrigated land, according to tour guides at the dam, over the next several decades. However, the Bureau of Reclamation website states that no further development is anticipated, with 671,000 acres (2,720 km²) irrigated out of the original 1.1 million acres (4,450 km²) planned.

[edit] Economic Value

Annual values from the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation;

  • Irrigated crops: $630 million
  • Power produced: $950 million
  • Flood damage prevented: $20 million
  • Recreation: 3 million visits - $50 million

[edit] Unintended benefits

Hydroelectricity was never the primary goal of the project. There was no use at the time for the massive amounts of power available from the Columbia. World War II changed all that. The Hanford nuclear reservation was built just south of the project and aluminum smelting plants flocked to the Columbia Basin. A new power house was built at the Grand Coulee Dam, starting in the late sixties, that tripled the generating capacity. Part of the dam had to be blown up and re-built to make way for the new generators. Electricity is now shipped to Canada and as far south as San Diego.

The numerous new lakes provide all types of water recreation and new habitat was created for fish and game.

[edit] Environmental consequences

The salmon habitat above the dam was decimated. Fish ladders, although technically possible, were not built. This is especially dire because of the Native Americans who depended on the salmon for a way of life.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  • Orr, Elizabeth L. and William N. Orr (1996) Geology of the Pacific Northwest, The McGraw-Hill Companies

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Orr (1996), pg. 288.
  2. ^ Orr (1996), pg. 305.

[edit] External links