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Coloradoite is a mineral consisting of the compound mercury telluride (HgTe) of the chemical emlements mercury and tellurium. It is named after the state of Colorado.


[edit] Physical properties

Coloradoite is a very soft mineral with a Mohs hardness of 1.9, and cleaves poorly. It is in the sphalerite group with an isometric hexoctahedral crystal structure. It has an iron-black metallic lustre. The mineral decomposes on heating. Its specific gravity is 8.07.

[edit] Chemical properties

HgTe dissolves in nitric acid and iron(III) chloride.

[edit] References

  • D. M. Chizhikov and V. P. Shchastlivyi, 1966, Tellurium and Tellurides, Nauka Publishing, Moscow

[edit] External links

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