Colonel Dietrich

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Colonel Dietrich is a character in the 1981 Indiana Jones film Raiders of the Lost Ark, portrayed by Wolf Kahler. Dietrich is an officer in the German Wehrmacht assigned to Tanis, Egypt, in 1936. A ruthless officer, Dietrich and his sidekick Gobler assist Rene Belloq in searching for the Ark of the Covenant, and kidnapped and tortured Marion Ravenwood for the Ark's locale. At the end of the film when Belloq opens the ark, Dietrich, like all the other Nazis, dies when he does not avert his eyes from the power of God. He perishes when his head implodes, collapsing inward on itself as if his skull has melted. Although more important to the story, the fairly unremarkable Dietrich (and by association, Gobler) is often overlooked in popular culture and by fans in favor of the less important but more flamboyant Toht.

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