Collegium 419

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Collegium 419 is a Czech mixed chamber choir (3 sopranos, 3 mezzo sopranos, 4 altos, 5 tenors, 4 bassos), specialised for an authentic interpretation of early music. The ensemble often introduces unprecedented repertoire from European as well as Czech early music, particularly multi-parted pieces and cycles. Some of them reconstructed from period musical manuscripts. Concerts based on selection from the works of one composer as well as concerts intent on one period or region (i.e. early North German baroque etc.).

In addition, Collegium 419 performs also pieces from the other periods. Collegium 419 keeps a high vocal standard, its colour balance and an ability of solo singing of each member are determining for an along-lasting image of the ensemble.

The conductor of Collegium 419 is Marika Pečená.

This choir has published CDs with recordings for internal purposes only up to the present day.

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