Collectives of Young Communists - Communist Youth

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Collectives of Young Communists - Communist Youth (Col·lectius de Joves Comunistes - Joventut Comunista), more kwnon simply as "CJC" or "Joventut Comunista", is the youth wing of the Party of the Communists of Catalonia (Partit dels i les Comunistes de Catalunya), the main communist party in Catalonia (Spain). Was created as a result of the PCC foundation after the struggle within former PSUC, in 1982, and as split from the Communist Youth of Catalonia (Joventut Comunista de Catalunya, JCC).

Its political activity in Catalonia stands for:

1) a country IN PEACE AND SUPPORTIVE with all the other nations of the world. Against arms build-up and imperialism: out of the NATO.

2) a country where REAL AND RADICAL DEMOCRACY will be guaranteed, where citizenship will be the political protagonist: for a basis change in the way to do politics, based in transparency and participation, that surpass the slanted and little democratic model of the "representative democracy".

3) a country where a WORTHY AND STABLE JOB FOR EVERYONE will be guaranteed: for the full occupation and labour rights.

4) a country where PUBLIC, SECULAR AND FREE EDUCATION will be guaranteed, in all levels, with an integral and critic formation.

5) a country where will exist a strong public service which will intervene in economy to raise the majority benefit: for a DEMOCRATIC PLANIFICATION OF ECONOMY and the improvement of social conquests.

6) a country that will take INTERCULTURALITY as an identity characteristic and will work for inclusion and full citizenship of immigrant people, in the way to advance towards a fair world order that oblige no one to leave his/her land.

7) a country RESPECTFUL WITH THE ENVIRONMENT, betting on a rational use of natural resources, for the developing of sustainables and renovables energies, and for a territorial model with a quality and decentralized net of public transport services.

8) a country where REAL EQUALITY OF OPPORTUNITIES, between MAN and WOMAN will be guaranteed, and will face all kind of oppression and discrimination.

9) a country that will be able to decide which kind of relations want to stablish with the other nations of the Spanish state and Europe, and will defend and promote Catalan language and culture. For the SELF-DETERMINATION RIGHT.

10) a country where LEFT VALOURS will be recovered, setting as main task cooperation and solidarity between persons and nations, their critic and creative capacity and the no-discrmination for reasons of gender, ethnic, sexual option or religious confession.

(from the Communist Youth Manifesto or Manifest de la Joventut Comunista -in Catalan)

CJC-Joventut Comunista has its own publication, Revolució, and holds a festival every year called Festa Revolució.

It is divided in different sectors or federations, such as University, Young Woman, Youth and Work, and the territorial collectives. CJC-Joventut Comunista also has a federation for international brigadists, called Brigadists Movement (Moviment de Brigadistes), which organises travels of solidarity and cooperation in Cuba (brigade Dolores Ibárruri), Venezuela (brigade Simón Bolívar), and in the Sahara (brigade Sahara Hora).

CJC-Joventut Comunista keeps international contact with main communist or left-wing youth organizations of the world, and is member of the World Federation of Democratic Youth.

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