Collège de la Salle

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History of the College in some dates.

Since 1854, the Brothers hold of the écothem in Cairo. They initially settled in the district of Mouski where they founded the college Saint-Joseph de Khoronfish. Answering the request they opened several “branches”: school units where a group of brothers went each morning, under the responsibility of an Inspecteur brother, then, the finished class, they returned to the community, which lived in Khoronfish.

Branches were founded in the districts of Bab el Louk and Choubra. Free schools were also opened, attached to the colleges or the branches.

In 1898, the Directing Brother of Joseph Saint obtains the permission to open a branch on the district of Daher. A house is rented Rue Sabri and the Brothers settle the ler October. Frère Albéric is named Inspecteur. The new school counts 58 pupils at the end of the prermière year.

In 1899, a vast ground is acquired, where buildings are quickly built. With the re-entry 1899, the Saint Nicolas's Day College opens its doors.

In 1904 work of the large building starts.

1905 inauguration of the building, the college takes the name of Room, at the same time opens the free School Saint-Vincent, which occupies the old buildings. Frère Odéric-Gabriel becomes the first director. The community counts 35 Brothers, come for the majority from Khoronfish and the number of the pupils reaches 350, including 35 boarders. Most of these pupils followed the primary education course in Khoronfish, which kept only the secondary section.

In 1912, the pupils of the college of the Room are 821, those of the free school 254.

The Odéric Brother dies in 1913, it is replaced by Frère Felix-Augustin, who will be a director during all the duration of the First World War, until 1918.

This period is marked by the movements of very many Brothers (a hundred for I' Egypt), who had to leave on the battle fields.

It knew also an exceptional moment by the visit of the Hussein Sultan, who visited the college on May 1, 1915. Accommodated by all the pupils of the schools of the Brothers of Cairo.

Here some extracts of its speech:

“The Brothers are not for me the unknown ones (in 1864 the sultan attended with its brothers Tewfik and Hassan with the handing-over of the prices Khoronfish)… since, I followed with largest intirêt I' works of the Brothers in my country. This work is considerable since it did not count whereas four hundred pupils and that it joins together seven thousand today of them taught by 300 professors.

My Brothers, I know it, your pupils make honor with your lessons. They occupy of the places distinguished in the banks and the administrations from I' State. Several were ministers and others are it still. Your merit is large to give, as you do it, to all, without reference of religion or nationality, the benefit of good and solid instruction… and of a not less strong education.

Yes, which makes the merit and the superiority of your teaching, it is that you give to your pupils a faith, the faith with single God, our God with all, principle of any authority….“

Religious demonstrations punctuate also the life of the college, the such inauguration of the statue of Jean-baptiste Saint of the Room in 1921.

The period of the second world war 1939-45 left few traces in the files, the review of the college stopped. A certain number of Brothers left Egypt to join the armies. Part of the Egyptian company is affected little by the conflict, and the life continues, almost normal.

The post-war period is still the witness of imposing festivals the such celebration of the centenary of the arrival of the brothers in 1847 and of tercentenary of the birth of Saint J. - B. Room in 1951.

Political and social transformations major are on the way; it will bring a modification of the customers of the college, by the disappearance of the whole of the foreign nationals. To the mème time the college of the Room launched out in work of enlargings of great width, which start in 1953.

1955: The secondary section and the commercial section of the college Saint-Joseph de Khoronfish are transferred to Daher.

On November 26, 1955, in the presence of the superior general of the Brothers, the new college is inaugurated by the Commander Kamal el DIN Hussein, Minister for education and teaching.

Room assumes the heritage of the school-mother of Khoronfish which becomes a school of district, and which gathers the pupils of old school-free. It will remain the only secondary college lasallien until 1992, when the secondary section of the college of Bab el Louk opens.

The vault is inaugurated in 1958.

The college égyptianise. Directors laîcs are associated the direction: Doctor Antaki will be the first, it will be followed of Mr. Chawki Mitri.

Beside the traditional activities: nuns, sporting, social, of the new initiatives are born. In 1960 F.Martin Sabanegh, lance a center of elimination of illiteracy, which will accommodate the employees of the college like the apprentices of the district, and will be maintained many years.

Under the directorate of F. Michel Andrejko, the kindergarten receives new buildings. F. Boulad succeeds to him in 1979, it multiplies the activities.

At the beginning of F. Boulad, in 1985, Mr. Magdi Kauzman takes the direction, F. Governed is associated to him like representative of the congregation of the Brothers, F. Didier Albo and F. Yves Lecocq will take its continuation.

In 1991 a section of children opens having a handicap: the Center Better Life. Data processing develops, as well as the libraries; a new sports hall, opens its doors. The social activities take a new dash with the formation of a social Committee of establishment and collaboration with various organizations.

In October 1997, the college accommodates the celebrations inhabitants of Cairo of the sesquicentennial of the mission lasallienne in Egypt.

The beginning of the year of celebration of the centenary with the re-entry 1998, opens new horizons.

[edit] External link

College de La Salle Daher Site