Colin Talbot

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Colin Talbot is Chair of Public Policy and Management at Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK.

Colin has had an unconventional career, leaving school at 16 and working in a variety of jobs before entering Manchester University at 21 to study economics and social sciences in 1974. He never finished his degree after becoming involved in student politics, but returned to Manchester as a professor 29 years later.

After moving to London he worked again in several jobs, including for British Telecom and in Local Government. In 1990 he joined Southbank University as a senior lecturer and then took up a chair in public policy and management at Glamorgan in 1995. Since then he has been at Nottingham and now Manchester, where he is currently founding the Herbert Simon Institute.

Colin has an MSc from Southbank and a PhD from the LSE. He's published three books and numerous articles and book chapters. His books include "The Paradoxical Primate" and "Unbundled Government".

Colin has acted as an advisor and consultant to many public organisations, nationally and internationally, and given evidence to parliament frequently. He writes regularly for 'Public Finance'weekly ( and has given interviews for numerous media outlets, including the BBC, Financial Times and the Economist.

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