Cole Thornhart

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Brandon Buddy as Cole Thornhart, from the One Life to Live opening sequence.
Brandon Buddy as Cole Thornhart, from the One Life to Live opening sequence.

Cole Thornhart is a fictional character on ABC's daytime drama One Life to Live. He has been played by Brandon Buddy since October 10, 2006.


[edit] Character information

[edit] Backstory

Cole Thornhart is the son of Patrick Thornhart and Marty Saybrooke (Christina Chambers), well-known characters from OLTL history.

[edit] 2006

Cole was first seen at a party that Starr Manning (Kristen Alderson) and her friend Langston Wilde (Brittany Underwood) attended after being invited by some boys. Cole rescued them, in a manner of speaking, when the boys wanted to get too intense with the girls, who had said "no", and then later from the taunts of their enemy, Britney Jennings (Portia Reiners). Starr and Cole started to get closer, attending a dance together and sharing a kiss. In November 2006, Cole had a steroid-induced outburst towards Starr (thanks to Britney and football player Gabe) when they started to make out in a bedroom following a football after-party. Cole wanted to go further, but Starr did not. As a result, Cole completely lost it and began to trash the room, ripping the front of Starr's shirt. The fight continued out into the kitchen, where Cole preceded to get angry at many other people. Starr wanted to just go home and forget about it, but Britney wouldn't allow it and called the police, pretending to be Starr. Starr was shocked when police showed up at her home and wanted to question her about the events that took place. Starr hesitantly agreed. As the police questioned her, Starr would get a shock when she learned that Cole's mother was none other than — Marty Saybrooke! Starr's father Todd Manning (Trevor St. John) had raped her back in college!

In December 2006 Starr decided to forgive Cole, stating that everyone makes mistakes. She apologized for her father's harm towards his mother, Marty. Cole comforted Starr, claiming that it was not her fault, and that she couldn't have done anything to prevent the situation with Marty and Todd from occurring. Starr got into a fight with Langston, as she was continuously bad-mouthing Cole and his behavior. Langston accused Starr of still having strong feelings for him; Cole overheard the two, resulting in a conflict between both friends. Starr reassured Cole, saying that he shouldn't believe Langston and all she has said about him. Cole disagreed, and claimed that Langston was acting as a true friend by stating the obvious. Cole then decided what he thought was best: leaving Starr alone for good, and saving her from any more problems due to her involvement with him. Starr argued with Cole, stating "what about what I want?" She claimed that she did not want Cole to leave her alone, and end their well-cherished friendship. Both smiled at each other, and shared a thoughtful kiss. When Starr's mother Blair Cramer got into a terrible accident following their reunion, Cole was by Starr's side, lending his support.

[edit] 2007

In early January, Brittany Jennings decided to reach extreme measures as she did everything, and anything in her power to hook-up with Cole. Brittany stated that knowing Starr had feelings towards him, only made the challenge more intriguing. As Cole was searching for Starr before entering class, he witnessed Brittany creating a "get-well card for Starr's mother" as she planned to get everyone in the school to sign it.Though all was an act, in getting back her title as: Cole's girlfriend. Brittany then discussed her feelings/emotions with Cole, as she explained how she supposedly understood Starr's situation. She then stated that she has had her own share of difficulties, as her parents were struggling with their long-time marriage. All were buying into the dramatic sob story, except for Langston-- whom knew the truth. Cole generously gave Brittany a shoulder to cry on, letting her hug him for support. Langston overlooking the two-- rolling her eyes in disgust, while dialing Starr's cellphone number and ordering her to come down to the school, due to an emergency.

As Starr reached the school, she too witnessed Cole and Britney getting fairly close. Langston stated, that although Cole wasn't her favorite person, it would be harsh to see Brittany steal away the guy that Starr likes. Starr then agreed, as she said that she'd do anything, in order to not lose Cole. While waiting for Cole's presence near by, Brittany rushed up to Starr in the hall, presenting her with the card that she had created, out of the "goodness" of her heart. Surprised, Starr received the card- bluntly saying thank-you. Noticing that Cole was by his locker, Brittany eagerly tried to steal all the attention away from Starr, as she attempted to begin a conversation with him, in order to make Starr jealous. Annoyed, Starr sarcastically said "excuse me" while pushing Britney out of the way. Starr then came onto Cole, and began making-out with him in front of all. Left in awe, Britney stood with shock.

After the kiss, Cole and Starr fled away from the high school scene. They decided to run to the nearby park, and discuss what happened back at school. Cole claimed that he wasn't quite sure why Starr suddenly jumped him like that, in public. Starr then reacted, by stating that no one was around now, as she then kissed him once more. Cole then claimed, that though it was nice, and he liked it, it didn't seem like Starr was acting as her normal self. Cole questioned her for acting the way she did, though Starr would not answer. Embarrassed, Starr walked away trying to forget what had just happened moments ago. She second-guessed what had happened in the hall that day, and kept on apologizing. As she tried to walk away, Cole stopped her, asking for the true reason shes acting in such a matter. Hesitantly, Starr claimed that it was because of Brittany, and how she was trying to steal him away from her. Cole smirked, then explained how Starr never had to change, in order to grab his attention. He then continued, by stating that Starr was the type of girl, who never cared about Britney and all shes said about her, as he said she was better than that.

While awaiting more news about her mom's condition, Starr and Cole were sitting at a bench in the park. Starr admitted, that she was unsure of her mother's fatal state and that she couldn't remember the last time she was given the opportunity to tell her mom that she loved her. Starr then said that one thing was for sure, she liked Cole. And she didn't want to lose him, and miss her chance to confess how she truly felt. Cole responded to Starr, claiming that he was actually the one, who was afraid of losing her, for good. All was going fine, though Starr questioned, if they would always have to hide the fact that they spent time together. Cole then claimed, that he was positive, that their parents would find better things to worry about, rather than the two of them going out. In shock, Starr looked at Cole in disbelief of what he had just said. Cole wasn't sure, if the reaction he had received was a good one, though luckily, Starr was ecstatic to know that they were officially together. As the two were snuggling on the bench, Cole was shocked, due to how his day turned out. Starr laughed, saying that he was probably surprised, by the fact that he got everything that he could imagine. Though the day was going perfect, Starr still felt the need to visit her mother in the hospital, but claimed that she still wanted to stay with Cole for a few more moments. Both gazed into each other's eyes, as they shared a sweet kiss. Seconds after, Starr asked "how was that?" as Cole happily responded by saying, "very Starr-like." Before they left, Starr asked Cole, if she was worth all this trouble, that had been resulting into various conflicts. Cole then responded, by reciting a quote in which is mother once told him- "anything worth having, is worth fighting for." Both smiled before taking off.

When Britney officially found out the two were a couple and made it her mission to break them up. Marcie Walsh McBain, a friend, teacher of Starr's tried to separate both stating that it was the best thing. Starr and Cole wanted to see each other without all the drama involving Brittany and Mrs.McBain, so they 'staged' a fake break-up, in order for people to leave them alone. After the "break-up" Langston told Starr none of it was believable... as Brittany still had other plans to make their lives miserable. They continuied to see each other and when they met up at the hospital to talk to Spencer Truman things went bad. Spencer had killed his lawyer & almost hurt Starr's Mom till he was murdered by somebody. Cole & Starr were in shock. They kept seeing each other in secret and as they talked in the park one day there mothers caught them together. They were in for the biggest shock of their lives!

When the McBains asked Starr to babysit Tommy on the night Nelly Furtado was performing at Capricorn, Starr happily agreed. Though Michael was hesitating if it was the right decision to leave Starr alone with Tommy for a few hours... but he eventually gave in. When Marcie and Michael left, Starr then text messaged Cole, to arrive in 5 minutes with pizza in hand. When Cole arrived at the apartment, Starr was quite impressed with his ability to interact with Tommy so well. Cole began reciting poems, in which his father used to read to him before he went to sleep. Surprisingly, Cole's poems worked magic on Tommy, as he was sleeping soundly. In order to pass the time by, Starr and Cole decided to watch a movie. Things weren't going exactly as planned, and awkward silence was all to be found. Half way through the movie, things began to slowly, but surely heat up. Cole then started leaning in closer towards Starr, though she wasn't quite sure how to react. As he continuously approached her, Starr noticed what Cole was trying to do, as she slightly chuckled before leaning in for a soft kiss. Within a matter of time, the delicate kiss turned into make-out madness between the two. Nothing was to take these two away from each other. As they kept on making-out, all was going well-- until the phone rang. With out hesitating, Starr pushed Cole off her, and ran for the phone. To her surprise, it was Marcie calling asking if Tommy was behaving. After finishing her conversation with Marcie, Starr began acting awkward, after the situation between herself and Cole occurred. Cole noticed that she wasn't as her normal self, as he then asked her to take a seat on the couch beside him. Both silent, Starr and Cole avoided looking at each other. Cole then asked if they could discuss what had just happened in the living room. Starr hesitantly agreed. He questioned what would've happened if the phone hadn't of rung. He wondered if they would have gone further than just kissing. Silently listening, Starr was quiet.

In late March, Starr and Cole had plans to runaway together.

[edit] Parents

[edit] Siblings

  • Brendan Thornhart (brother, deceased)

[edit] Other relatives

  • David Saybrooke (maternal grandfather)
  • Samantha Saybrooke (maternal grandmother)
  • Ian Thornhart (paternal uncle)
  • Granya Thornhart (paternal aunt, deceased)
  • Daniel Thornhart (paternal cousin)
  • Kiki Saybrooke (maternal great-aunt)

[edit] Marital Status

Dating: Starr Manning

[edit] Romantic Entanglements