Cold outbreak of 1979

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Like most winters of the 1970's it brought temputues and windchill extremes. It started off in Decenmber of 1978 when an invasion of cold air took over parts of the Midwest, Northeast, South, and Rocky mountain range. Temputures in January went as low as -55 in some locations. Windchlls across the plains were as low as -80. In some locations food stores couldn't get food, because of the dangerous roads semi's couldn't get to stores. Pipelines froze causing heaters no to work. What made this cold outbreak so signifagant, were it's dangerous wind chills. Also in 1979 unlike the 1970's, broght a cooler than average summer. The state of Arkansa saw it's coolest year of the 20th century. And the states of Wyoming, Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas, and Colorado saw their coldest winter.
