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Christopher O'Kennon is an American author who lives in Virginia. He writes science fiction, fantasy, freelance articles and essays, editorials, speeches, and "anything else that will stick to paper." He spent two years working at a psychiatric hospital, and then served as the Commonwealth of Virginia's expert on Web Usability, Director of Portal Architecture, and chaired the Next Generation Task Force.

O'Kennon was born in Richmond on December 27th, 1967. He's married with two children, two dogs, a cat, two hamsters, a parakeet, and six fish (two of which are freshwater tropical sharks). O'Kennon attended Virginia Commonwealth University, receiving a B.S. in Psychology and doing additional Masters work in Human Factors. His story, With Thoughts of Sarah, was nominated for the 1997 eScene award.


[edit] Bibliography

[edit] Novels

The Cosmic Kahuna Collection - 2000

[edit] Short Fiction

  • Big Winners, Big Losers, and Jerry Fondue - 1986
  • Throwaway - 1991
  • The Kwisin and the Malmyong - 1992
  • More Dark Than Night - 1994
  • With Thoughts of Sarah - 1994
  • No Place for Dinosaurs - 1995
  • Bogeymen - 1995

[edit] Nonfiction

  • Who Died and Left Them Important? - 1996
  • Technophiles in the Dark - 1996
  • Waging War: The Military and Children - 1997
  • Making Cents - 2002
  • Argument for Standards - 2004
  • The Art of War in IT - 2005
  • Darth Kahuna and the Virtual Hotties - 2005
  • The Devil's Advocate: God Doesn't Share - 2006
  • The Weird World of Disney - 2006