Cohomological dimension

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A discrete group G has cohomological dimension less than or equal to n, if the trivial ZG-module Z has a projective resolution of length n, i.e. there are projective ZG-modules P0,..,Pn and ZG-module homomoprhisms dk: Pk\toPk-1 (k=1,..,n) and d0: P0\to Z, such that the image of dk coincides with the kernel of dk-1 for k=1,..,n.

Equivalently, the cohomological dimension is less than or equal to n, if for an arbitrary ZG-module M, the cohomology of G with coeffients in M vanishes in degrees k>n: H^k(G,M)=0 whenever k>n.

The smallest n such that the cohomological dimension of G is less than or equal to n is the cohomological dimension of G.