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I think the loony scientist that came up with this term is at Lawrence Livermore Labs. He was quoted in SmallTimes magazine or some such nanotechnology journal.

Normally we'd wait until the term was more common, but it seems likely that the guy will be muzzled, and the only purpose of leaking this much was to find out who else is working on this or willing to work on it. No doubt we'll hear it was stopped orsuppressed, like the Office of Strategic Influence, but of course we'll have no way whatsoever of knowing whether it's stopped or is pursuing in some dark lab somewhere.

So, this may be the only light of day this subject sees, until they have some working model... kind of like human cloning.

Since the IP range of the person who wrote this page is the same as banned user User:EntmootsOfTrolls (see User:142.177.etc), I am suspicious that they wrote it. Maximus Rex 02:26, 29 Oct 2003 (UTC)

I fundamentally think the fundamental goal of this particular research (w.r.t. the ability to sense and control human minds/brains) and the results of the research (if successful) need to be treated in the same category as what would be, if there was a research project to deploy nuclear powered cars. The possibility / probability of misuse and fallout is just too high - and unlike the latter -it wouldnt be a finite number of humans -but entire cultures and societies which could be destroyed - in essence - through violation of every possible fundamental right of the human being. This in my sincerest opinion constitutes instances where questions of "ethics and technology" ,"how techno-advanced is enough techno-advanced?" , "security of technology and measures to create the security" ,"who are the bodies that hold this technology and what rights should they be provided to utilize this technology" ... should rightfully be raised. -Anup R. Joshi (Grad Student).

[edit] explain cat tag?

Male1979 put this page in Category:Anti-cult terms and concepts. I'm a bit curious on the logic behind this, since the article does not mention cults at all in any form. -- Antaeus Feldspar 22:41, 16 May 2005 (UTC)

Answered on User's talk page. Ben please vote! 05:32, May 17, 2005 (UTC)