Hi! I go by the name of Cody-7 on Wikipedia and on most other websites and forums, and live in the state of Colorado, USA. My real name is Adam Israel (age 17), and I'm just now learning how to edit Wikipedia pages and toying with the Wiki format. I enjoy video gaming, photography, skateboarding, and all kinds of Sci-Fi material.
I first ran into Wikipedia by looking up science-related articles, and find it's a great place for information. I like to give to the community, so I edit anything I feel needs changed to better describe the truth and facts. I also like photography, both digital (On the PC, photoshop, etc) and regular photography. I recently uploaded several high-resolution images in the Half-Life 2 article to replace some of some lower quality. I've done some work making HTML web-pages but decided Wikipedia would be a great place to make a user profile, for all the world to see and help improve the great info found on Wikpedia about nearly everything. I do believe in the simplicity of information, though in general - which applies to Wikipedia. One of my main general dislikes about the Wikipedia website is the complexity of some articles. I don't like reading an article to be treated to such high-level scientific words and a mathmatical equation in the next paragraph. Does a Wikipedia user actually come here to look for an obscure math equation? I think it would be naive to think so. Wikipedia isn't here to impress other people with your knowledge; it's to benefit everyone.
I'm currently a senior at Chatfield High School in Littleton, Colorado. I'm pretty up-beat and easy going, and you could say I don't have a plan for things yet. I do have an "idea" of what I want to do, though, in the future. I'm thinking of working with graphic design and eventually help develop PC games. I'm one of those "visual", artsy people who doesn't like coding or math. Coming up to me and saying the word "algebra" is like yelling "IT" to one of Knights who say Ni!