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[edit] Everything you ever wanted to know about Matt but were forced into by a structured FAQ

My name is M.Walls. AKA codered. I created this in order to dispel any of the myths and stories perpetuated by Luke. Since most of the people that Luke are friends with are stupendiously lazy about small things like 'reading', i'l try to keep this brief. But being brief about a subject as large and intellectually challenging as me might turn out to be too hard.

[edit] Codered in brief

I am an introverted, arrogant, cynical, sardonic, antisocial geek with a love of anything to do with computers or technology in general. And proud of it.

[edit] Appearance and general demeanor

Generally unkempt appearance, I allways wear black to try and blend in with my surroundings. Overweight but not massively so, general hygene is poor by normal standards. At first I probably appear shy and untalkative, but those that know me (aka nobody) realise that its only skin deap, and beneith my ugly exterior is a beautifully cynical bastard that thinks he's better than you.

[edit] Why I call myself a geek, antisocial, etc

A lot of people think its weird that I call myself a geek, or sardonic or arrogant, but I dont see most of these as a negative. To me a geek is a person who differs from the average person, usually because of more intillectual interests, and does not have the same normal interests of average people. And this is a good thing, it means i'm not the standard socially constructed archetype of an idiot football player.

Have you ever seen a group of small children playing? how the smallest little things can turn into a game for them, and the fact that their pleased by such trivial things can be amusing for you? Yeah, your the kids, i'm the person. Only difference is that instead of being poor defenceless kids, they are people that will crack my skull on a pavement for looking at them the wrong way.

[edit] Self psychoanalysis

Ooh here we go, the fun part. What forces molded me? why do I think the way I do? yada yada yada froid bla bla penis envy.

lessie, first two schools were on the worst estate in colchester, I remember picking up a book on robotics when I was about 6 while the other kids tried to steal the stuff other people brought to show and tell. I was eventually moved to a different primary school for bullying issues. My first real taste of average people were at that school, and it tasted like shit. So that was where I got my opinion of other people from. There were some other issues with my mom that probably made me more introverted and fostered my love of reading, but thats not for a bio.

At my new primary school, the nice and shiny "Colchester Boys High School" I got to meet the opposite end of the spectrum, the rich snobs. I wore a tie and blazer for a few years and was even the proud member of a great school house, the danes (they are the equivalent of hufflepuff in Harry Potter). Unlike what you would expect a arrogant bastard to be like, I was rock solid at the bottom of the class, I remember having my answers, read out to the entire class, followed by general laughter. So here I learnt its better to shut up than speak out. After all, if I know i'm right, i dont need to shout it out for everyone else to hear on the odd chance that I was wrong.

Ok, after the Boys High we had another major shift, Alderman Blaxill. Now that I have left Alderman Blaxill I finally realise how abormal my time there was. I was insulted wherever i went in that school, corridors were like running a gauntlet, I just stayed in the computer room. More introverion and antisocial behavior coming on right there. And while I might have not said anything much, I did look around at what other people were like, so I guess I slowly got my arrogance from that.

Ok, end of blaxill. now going to sixth form college. All I can say is its fucking HEAVEN. seriously, I must get only about one direct insult a week. And thats where I am now.

Anyway, dont be too hard on me, Ive had stuff going on that would make even the most hardened of goth's cry.

[edit] Hopes for the future

Supreme dictator of the world as decreed by a democratic vote. Until said dictatorship, I will settle for a programmer.

I guess I hope to do some more collaborated project work in university.

Oh, and eternal life, cant forget eternal life.

Get over the teenage angst and thoughts that only Pete Doherty/Slash/Kurt Cobain/Sid Vicious/Noddy Holder (delete as appropriate) understand me.