Coalition for Positive Sexuality

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The Coalition for Positive Sexuality (CPS) is a self-described "guerrilla sex education" group, created by gay rights organizations ACT-UP, Queer Nation and others.

  • "If you think you might be queer, relax!" the CPS web site urges teens, and offers this suggestion: "If you think you are queer, try to find a lesbian/bisexual/gay/transgender community center near you, where you can meet other queers your age."
  • "Our philosophy is, if we offer teens the information they need, along with the message that they should treat themselves and one another with respect, that they are capable of making wise decisions regarding sexual activity," CPS member Davis Schlossman said. (Washington Times)
  • CPS is strongly pro-choice, as evidenced by statements like: " Abortion is a simple medical procedure which ends a pregnancy. Throughout history, around the world, and in many religions, women have used abortion as a part of our healthcare. Not all women think abortion is cool for themselves, but all women have the right to make this choice."

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