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CM/ECF (Case Management Electronic Case Filing) is the case management and electronic case files system for most of the United States Federal Courts. CM/ECF was first implemented in 2001 in bankruptcy courts, in 2002 in district courts, and in 2004 in appellate courts. CM/ECF is not used in state courts, but several states have moved toward implementation of comparable systems for at least some cases.

PACER, the Federal Judiciary's electronic public access system, still provides access to docket entries as it did before CM/ECF; however, CM/ECF allows for access to pleadings, motion papers, briefs, and other documents filed by the parties and attorneys in the case (with the exception of any documents permitted to be filed under seal or in camera). For most documents, an access charge of 8 cents per page (current as of 1/1/07) is levied to defray the cost of maintaining the system. To facilitate this online access, courts implementing CM/ECF require attorneys to file copies of most litigation papers electronically, instead of or in addition to the traditional filing of paper copies.

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