Club Penguin Locations

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There are many different room and areas in the MMORG Club Penguin. Some can be assessed by the map (such as the town), others by the Spy Phone (such as the coffee shop), some just by walking around (such as the boiler room) and some, you can only reach in such circumstances as Secret Missions (such as the wilderness). This website explains a bit about what the rooms look like, the history of the room (what parties/events took place), what games can be played in the room and some other information that might be handy to know.

==Beacon==höbölöhöblöhöblö sana ne lann The beacon is located above the first floor of the lighthouse. The beacon has the huge lighthouse light in the middle. To the left is a telescope which a player can look through to see if Rockhopper is coming in his ship. To the right is the launch pad for the game 'Jet Pack Adventure'. In this game, penguin fly around in a jet pack to collect coins, but have to dodge all of the obstacles, such as fans, trees, signs and sea creatures. Rockhopper apparently uses the light coming from the beacon to find his way when out to sea. In the Easter egg hunt, one of the eggs can be seen through the telescope, bobbing about in the water.


[edit] Book Room

This room is where the stairs in the Coffee Shop lead up to. It's the Coffee Shop's Attic. This room contains a big bookshelf and lots of mancala boards. It has also a library, and has some books that players can read. There are currently 4 books that are in library at the moment, and they are: Rockhopper + the Stowaway, Frankie's first show, The Spice of Life and Truth or Dare. Players can play mancala here. Mancala is a 'Multiplayer Game' which means one can play with other penguins. The first book ever published in the book room was Rockhopper + The Stowaway. 3 more books were published on March 23, 2007

[edit] The Coffee Shop

The coffee shop is located in the Town. The stairs lead up to the Book Room. This room contains a few tables and chairs and also has a big coffee-making machine. Bean Counters is located here. This room is where Club Penguin celebrated there 1st Year Anniversary. There was a big cake and music. In the 2006 Christmas party, The Coffee Shop had a Chanukah feel, with a Hanukiah and some draidles on the table. The Coffee Shop is one of the oldest rooms on Club Penguin. In the third secret mission the orange key in the H.Q reads Coffee. In the Easter egg hunt, one of the eggs is in the coffee mixer.

[edit] The Dock

This room is located on the shore. This room contains a boat, and next to it are three rings (If you hover your mouse over the 3 rings, the rings go in the air and come back down). You can play Ballistic Biscuit here, a game where the player is wind surfing and has to dodge all of the obstacles. To play it, the player walks up to the boat.

[edit] The Dojo

The dojo is only accessible via the map. This secret room is located in the purplish mountains on the map (and through the screen in the agent HQ). This room looks like a dojo (a Japanese style gym) but doesn't have anything in it. This room is where the secret Members-Only Lime Green Party was held. During another party, there was a giant inflatable octopus in this room. Players also has rumours about Secret Ninja's going there. The room was temporarily converted into a pencil drawing of the dojo on a note paper for a "background" during the 2007 April fool's Day event. Penguins could walk up the "walls" during this event.

[edit] The Gift Shop

This room is located in the Town. The Gift Shop has 3 dressing rooms and a selection of clothing at the back. It also has a big vault where all of the money is kept. It also has a clothing catalogue book, called Penguin Style. In the third mission, penguins search for some missing coins from the vault in this room. Players can buy items in here, using their coins. These items range from colours to backgrounds to clothes to country badges, although non-members are restricted to only colours and backgrounds.

[edit] The Gift Shop Office

Players have to go in here to find the pin number to open the locked vault in Case of the Missing Coins.

[edit] The Gift Shop Roof Top

Players have to go here to shut down the magnet which made all of the coins stick to the roof in the third secret mission, Case of the Missing Coins. In the third secret mission the yellow key in the H.Q reads Roof top, and player have to use it to unlock the door leading up to the rooftop.

[edit] Highest Mountain

This is where where the Dojo is located on the map when not in a secret mission. It just looks like a snowy mountain with a few shrubs and bushes here and there. This is where the player uses the grapple hook they get from G. This is also where they find the 2 missing puffles. Only accessible in the secret mission Aunt Arctic's Lost Puffles. At the end of this mission, the player finds the 2 lost puffles atop this mountain.

[edit] The Iceberg

The iceberg is a hidden place on Club Penguin and can only be accessed via the map. It looks like a normal iceberg, isolated from the island, which can be seen in the distance. In the first secret mission, this it where the player uses the life-boat shooter they get from G to rescue the abandoned penguins. Many penguins believe that you can 'tip the iceberg' and say that you will get 5000 Club Penguin coins if it is accomplished, but in a Club Penguin forum, the moderators revealed the iceberg can't tip, although prior to that, this topic was heavily debated. Even today this topic keeps being debated. An edition of The Penguin Times newspaper, released on the 8th March 2007 it said; "if you see a few penguins trying to tip the iceberg, join in on the fun!" this may have given a few shocks to restart the debate.

[edit] Lighthouse

The lighthouse is the lower room of the beacon. One can get there by walking into it from the Beach, or by walking through the left-hand stairs in the beacon. On the walls, there are pictures of Rockhopper, the beacon and lighthouse, the Migrator and some Puffles. Some time in 2006, the lighthouse was restored to its former glory, and to help raise donations, if players donated 750 coins to the foundation, then they received a free t-shirt. This opening caused a party (a follow-on from the Beach Opening party). In the Easter egg hunt, one of the eggs is in the picture that is usually of the lighthouse, which is now of a striped egg. In the April 6 issue of the Penguin times, it was said that on April 14 a stage will be built here.

[edit] The Lodge Attic

One can get here by walking into the Lodge from the Ski Village, or by walking down the ladder on the right-hand side from the Lodge Attic. This room has a big rocking horse in it, and lots of old junk. One can play find four in here. When the island was packed with snow, they fixed the problem by storing the Lodge Attic with all of the snow, and installed a giant fan, but all the snow was taken out to be used for the ice sculptures in the Snow Party.

[edit] Member Igloos

A player can visit Members' Igloos by clicking on the igloos when holding the map. These look like whatever the members want them to look like, since they can change them to their hearts' desire. The place where in the map, the members' igloos are located, in the first secret mission, is Aunt Arctic's Igloo. These igloos belong to members and if they want to show them off, then they open them (Meaning that penguins can come in at any time and visit them).

[edit] The Migrator

The Migrator is not always at Club Penguin, it arrives every 1-3 weeks, depending on how damaged it is. The Migrater is a well looking ship with a smart poop deck and back end. However, once when the ship arrived it was damaged by a storm although Rockhopper fixed it again. At the left is a mop and a bucket as well as a smart 'Puffle Pirate Flag' (similar to the pin). In the middle is a mast with Rockhopper's pet Puffle called Yarr on it (this puffle was the first red puffle ever to be seen in Club Penguin). On the left is a chair and Rockhopper's journal that he writes in every time he goes sailing. The Migrator is the home of pirate Captain Rockhopper. He comes on certain holidays or on certain occasions. By going here a player can get a free item, plus many others, which only members can buy. Penguins also have the opportunity to read Capitan Rockhopper's diary. This room can only be accessed when Rockhopper is ashore Club Penguin.

[edit] The Mountain (Ski Hill)

The mountain is at the summit of the ski village. To the right, one can return there. This room contains four sled rides, and has a big sign in the middle. In the first secret mission, you have to fix the penguin's telescope here (with your spanner) in order to be able to continue the mission. In the second secret mission, one has to go here to test G's prototype sled (although the sled is useless and crashes as soon as you start testing it). One can play sled races here. Also the big sign has been revealed to have some of G's secret codes in the second secret mission, G's Secret Mission.

[edit] The Night Club

The Night Club can be entered via the Plaza, Map HQ Screen or by the Secret Agent Spyphone. The Night Club consists of:

[edit] The Dance Club

This room is where penguins love to dance. It is the main room of the Night Club. Below it is the Boiler Room, and up the stairs is the Dance Lounge. This room contains a huge dance floor where penguins can boogie and also has a variety of big stereos (the right-most one of which can be passed though to enter the secret Boiler Room (the left-most one in the April Fool's Day party)). It was confirmed in one of the 'Behind the Scenes' pictures that the Dance Club would be featured in the 3rd Secret Agent Mission. In the mission 'The Case Of The Missing Coins' there is a black out here.

[edit] The Dance Lounge

Thin Ice and Astro Barrier are located here. This is where penguins relax after a hard day of dancing and come and play some video games. It is the top floor of the Night Club. This room contains a few tables and some TV screens, as well as some arcade games. In the mission 'The Case Of The Missing Coins' there is a black out here. In the third secret mission the red key in the H.Q reads Lounge

[edit] The Pet Shop

One can play Puffle Round-Up here. One can also buy Puffles and Puffle furniture. In the first secret mission, Aunt Arctic's Lost Puffles, the player has to go here to get the secret code to be able to use G's inventions. This room has a pen with 5 Puffles in it (all colours excluding red). It also contains lots of furniture, food, shelves and other Puffle-caring related items. To the left, there is a door which reads Employees, which if walked through, leads the player to Puffle Round-Up.

[edit] The Pizza Parlor

One can play Pizzatron 3000 here, a game where the player has to follow the ingredients shown to make as many pizzas as possible by dragging the ingredients onto the pizza and it goes passed on a conveyor belt. This is where penguins pig out and stuff their faces with pizza. This room has a big piano in it, but it can't be played. In the Easter egg hunt, one of the eggs is trapped in the light above the piano.

A picture showing what can happen if you win in the Pizzatron 3000 by successfully selling 40 pizzas
A picture showing what can happen if you win in the Pizzatron 3000 by successfully selling 40 pizzas

[edit] The Plaza

This is one of the main areas in Club Penguin. All Club Penguin players can take a test in this room to become tour guides and to take tours, but have to over a certain age to do so. The doors in front lead to the Pizza Parlour and the Pet Shop. The manhole leads down into the cave.

[edit] Rockhopper Island

Rockhopper Island is Rockhopper's private island, where he finds rare items to bring back to Club Penguin. It is also the home of red Puffles. Players are anxious to know if they will someday be able to travel to this distant island.

[edit] Secret Agent HQ

The Secret Agent Headquarters (or HQ for short) can only be accessed by secret agents. This room contains top secret files, such as the F.I.S.H document, and the secret missions. It also contains about 21 screens, and one can click on them to be instantly teleported to that room.

[edit] The Ski Lodge

The stairs lead up to the Lodge Attic and the door to the left leads out into the Ski Village. This room contains a cuckoo clock which 'cuckoos' every half an hour. It contains a few Find Four boards and the door in front leads to the fishing spot. One can play Find Four and Ice Fishing in here. Club Penguin had its opening of Ice Fishing there.

[edit] Snow Forts

One can throw snow balls here. The Club Penguin clock is also located here, which tells the time (PST/Penguin Standard Time). This area contains 2 big 'forts', made of snow, which penguins can hide behind whilst throwing snowballs at each other.

[edit] The Sport Shop (Ski Shop)

Players can buy items in here by using their coins. They can also enter the Secret HQ through the top-most door (only if they're a secret agent). Besides that, this room is pretty much just like the Gift Shop. In the secret missions, this is where G works. The players have to give him codes for him to supply them with his inventions (the Pet Shop for Aunt Arctic's Lost Puffles (G has ... pairs of socks), and the Ski Mountain for G's Secret Mission (MOGUL)). In the third secret mission the green key in the H.Q reads Ski Shop

[edit] The Super Rink (Ice Rink)

The Ice Rink (known as the Super Rink) is located north of the Snow Forts. This room is mainly used for any ongoing penguins who wishes to play a game of hockey. Memmbers may buy special hockey clothing to jazz up the spirit. This room also has a big stand so penguins can cheer their favorites on. In the first secret mission, Aunt Arctic's Lost Puffles, if a player gets the pictures of Aunt Arctic's puffles from here, and gives them to Aunt Arctic, then he is rewarded with the letter, as well as the medal for completing the mission. During the sports party, the area had score boards to keep the score but after 3 weeks, it was gone. During the sport party, this room was completely filled up with players and supporters. Players could get blue or red face-paint (and when waving, held up a sign saying Go Blue or Go Red), or skating shoes, to help out with their games.

[edit] The Town (Town Center)

This is where penguins congregate and decide where to go next. In front are the doors to the Night Club, Gift Shop and the Coffee Shop. During parties it is always decorated. In the Easter egg hunt, one of the eggs pops out of the present in the Gift Shop sign.

[edit] The Underground

The underground can be visited in numerous ways. It contrasts from mines to swimming pools to boilers. The underground consists of:

[edit] Boiler Room

This is the Night Club's basement. The ladder leads up to the main floor of the Night Club, the Dance Club. The door leads into the cave. To go to the Boiler Room, a player must walk through the secret passage, located through the right hand speaker. This room was once completely different, being only black and grey and the only equipment being a boiler. However, Club Penguin modified it so it has colourful walls, a cabinet and a door that leads to the cave. The boiler is rumoured to heat the whole of Club Penguin and continuously burns all the time. In the mission 'The Case Of The Missing Coins' the player has to fix a fuse here. The 6 latest newspapers are kept here, and this started some time during 2006. In the third secret mission, there is a blackout here. Also, in the third secret mission the black key in the H.Q reads Boiler Room. In the Easter egg hunt, one of the eggs is in the drawer to the right of the one that contains old newspapers.

[edit] Cave (Underground Pool)

The Cave is located between the Boiler Room and the Mine. There is a swimming pool in this room. Players can sometimes see some underwater creatures swimming outside the window. This room was revealed in the Underground Party along with the Mine and Mine Shack. In many parties and hunts (such as an Easter eggs hunt), this room usually has things bobbing outside the window. In the Easter egg hunt, one of the eggs is bobbing outside the window.

[edit] Mine

The mine shack is part of the underground area (consisting of the Boiler Room, Cave, Mine and Mine Shack). This room looks like a normal mine, probably mining for coal, to power the island. The passage to the left leads to the cave, whilst if one finishes the game Cart Surfer, one ends up in the mine shack. During the Underground Party, one could get the hard hat from a box in the mine.

[edit] Mine Shack

The mine shack can only be visited via the map, not by walking around, although if one completes Cart Surfer in the mine, one ends up in the mine shack. The mine shack is in the middle of a snow-packed forest. In the middle of the screen is the passage leading back to the mine. (When returning to the mine from the mine shack, there is no need to play Cart Surfer again). No one knows how this mysterious shack was built. In the Easter egg hunt, one of the eggs is stuck in the spout and after freeing it, it rolls down the gutter and eventually ends up in the trough of water.

[edit] Wilderness

The Club Penguin Wilderness is only accessible in the secret mission G's Secret Mission when players get trapped here after trying out a faulty sled. They have to try to sustain themselves out here (like getting the necessary shelter, food, drink...) until they get rescued by one of the secret agents.

[edit] Pins available and locations

  • Lighthouse - Plaza
  • Telescope - Ski Hill
  • Pirate Flag - Pet Shop
  • Pumpkin - Dock
  • Jet Pack - Beach
  • Life Ring - Lighthouse
  • Fire Place - Ski Lodge
  • Christmas Tree - Newspaper 50 coins
  • Candy Cane - Night Club (Dance Club)
  • Apple - Pizza Parlour
  • Cactus - Coffee Shop
  • Teddy Bear - Pool
  • Ice Cube - Iceberg
  • Shrimp - Dance Lounge
  • Pot of Gold - Ski Lodge Attic
  • Box - Dock (

The rest are planned here, though not in any particular order:

  • Astro Pin
  • Green Balloon Pin
  • Beach Ball Pin
  • Hockey Pin
  • Horse Shoe Pin
  • Miners Lantern Pin
  • Music Note Pin
  • Pizza Pin
  • Plant Pin
  • Soccer Pin
  • Sun Pin
  • Shamrock Pin
  • Pumpkin Pin
  • Cactus Pin
  • Lifesaver Pin
  • Pencil Pin
  • Pirate Ship Flag Pin

Every two weeks, there is a new pin to find and collect for a players' player card. şirinlik mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

