Clovis Whitfield

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Clovis Whitfield is an art historian and art dealer based in London, where he runs Whitfield Fine Art. He is a member of the Society of London Art Dealers.

As well as being the author of a number of books on art history, in recent years he has identified several "lost" works by Baroque and Renaissance painters - Apollo the Luteplayer by Caravaggio, although this remains disputed,[1] and the Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist by Andrea del Sarto.[2]


[edit] Career as Art Historian

In the course of his career, Whitfield has organized art exhibitions and lectured at important museums around the world, including the Royal Academy, London and the Capitoline Museums Rome. He was visiting Professor at Indiana University, 1967/1968.

Whitfield has published on Baroque Art extensively since 1971, most notably discovering Temps Calme by Nicolas Poussin in The Burlington Magazine in 1977 - it was eventually purchased by the Getty Museum for £16 million - and organising and writing the catalogue of Painting in Naples 1606 – 1705, Caravaggio to Giordano held at the Royal Academy in 1982.

He is currently writing a catalogue raisonné of Antonio Marziale Carracci

[edit] Exhibitions Organised:

England and the Seicento, Agnew's, 1973, (Bolognese painting in England).

Painting in Florence, Royal Academy, London, 1979.

Painting in Naples, Caravaggio to Giordano, Royal Academy, London, 1982; National Gallery, Washington, 1983; Grand Palais, Paris, 1983; Palazzo Reale, Turin, 1983.

Classicismo e Natura: La Lezione di Domenichino Rome, Gallerie Capitoline, Nov 1996 - Feb. 1997 (jointly with Sir Denis Mahon)

[edit] Publications

“Landscape paintings and drawings by Antonio Carracci” Paragone. November 2006 pp. 3-20

Caravaggio, exh. cat., Dusseldorf Kunsthalle 2006, cat. 7,11 & 33;

“Landscapes by Francesco Cozza” Apollo Magazine, July 2005;

“A name for a ridiculous man – Rinaldo Coradini by the Carracci” Festrift for Dr. Alfred Bader 2004;

“Portraiture: From the ‘Simple Portrait’ to the ‘Ressemblance Parlante” The Genius of Rome 1592 – 1623, exh. cat. London, Royal Academy, 2001 pp.140-171;

Francesco Brizio; Prospetti e paesaggi, Atti dell’ Accademia Clementina, Bologna 1998;

“Antonio Carracci” Studi di storia dell’arte in onore di Denis Mahon, Electa, Milano, 2000, pp.132-152;

Classicismo e Natura; La Lezione di Domenichino, exh. cat. ed. Sir Denis Mahon & C. Whitfield, Rome, Gallerie Capitoline 1996/97 (article on ‘Paesi dal natural rapportati’ and most of the catalogue entries);

Domenichino exhibition Catalogue, Rome, Palazzo Venezia, 1996 Catalogue entry on G.B. Viola’s Flight into Egypt p. 536/37;

A propos des paysages du Poussin, in Colloque Poussin (Paris, Louvre, October 1994) 1996, Vol I, pp. 245-67;

“Les Paysages du Dominiquin et de Viola”, in Monuments et Mémoires, Fondation E. Piot, vol.69, p.61-127, 1988;

“The Landscapes of Agostino Carracci, Reflections on his role in the Carracci School”, in Les Carrache et les décors profanes, Actes du Colloque organisé par l’Ecole française de Rome, (1986), p. 73-95, 1988;

“Claude and a Bolognese Revival”, Studies in the History of Art, Washington DC., vol.14, p. 83-91, 1984;

“La décoration du Palazzetto” in Le Palais Farnèse, Ecole française de Rome, 1983;

“A Parmigianino Discovery”, Burlington Magazine, CXXV, 950, p.276-280, May 1982;

Painting in Naples 1606 – 1705, Caravaggio to Giordano, exhibition catalogue, Royal Academy of Arts in association with Weidenfeld and Nicholson, London 1982;

“Poussin Problems”, Burlington Magazine, CXXII, 933, p.838-39, Dec. 1980;

“Early Landscapes by Annibale Carracci”, in Pantheon, XXXVIII, p.50-58, Jan-March 1980;

“Poussin’s Early Landscapes”, Burlington Magazine, CXXI, 910, p.10-19, Jan. 1979;

“Nicolas Poussin’s ‘Orage’ and ‘Temps Calme’” Burlington Magazine, CXIX, 886, p.4-12, Jan. 1977;

“A Programme for ‘Erminia and the Shepherds’ by G.B, Agucchi” Storia dell’Arte, no.19, 1973;

“Révélations sur une tentation d’Eve”, (Baldung Grien) in Connaissance des Arts, juin 1971, p.72-81 [edit];

[edit] References

[edit] External links