Talk:Clear Skies Act of 2003

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Does anyone know of a reliable source for other statistics pertaining to the Act (as the EPA's selection and interpretation of statistics is most likely biased)? I think this article should incorporate a discussion of the criticism that has been heaped upon Clear Skies from many environmentalists (as is mentioned on the George W. Bush page. neatnate 00:32, 30 Aug 2004 (UTC)


[edit] EPA bad!

Remember, EPA statistics just might be shamelessly biased, but anonymous environmentalists' statistics may be taken at face value. Imagine if you gave all sources of information as much scrutiny as you do US Gov sources. I recommend adding, "According to the EPA..", unless of course, you cant find any statistics that fit your point of view.

[edit] Statistics

Where did the current SO2 cap as being 2 million tons/year come from? I was under the understanding that the 1990 CAAA (title IV) set the cap at 8.9 millions tons/year. Has the cap been since tightened? Matthias5 02:49, 21 Feb 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Neutrality

Can someone please revamp this article? its current form it reads like a Greenpeace propaganda booklet. Sure the CSA may be partly an attempt to weaken industry regulations. But it also introduces some major emission cuts as well. Jarwulf 08:38, 15 Mar 2005 (UTC)

You're right about the article being biased. I could try to add perspective when I get a chance. We just spent a two weeks talking about CSI in my environmental policy class. Basically the one significant problem is that existing CAA regulations are weakened (in contrast to the SO2 trading program) so that hot spots can become more of a problem. Some enviros think that the strictly enforcing the current clean air act will lead to faster emissions reductions than CSI, but that assumes aggressive enforcement by the EPA. Matthias5 12:42, 16 Mar 2005 (UTC)

[edit] It is now the Clean Skies Act of 2005

This article needs to be updated. The bill was reintroduced in 2005 and is now entitled as the Clean Skies Act of 2005 ... and in the Senate, I believe it is now S.131. - mbeychok 21:23, 3 April 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Please add CAMR / CAIR information!

Administration's actions to implement clean air act are: Clean Air Interstate Rule Clean Air Mercury Rule

Cap and trading systems are already in place, generating market prices for SO2 and NOx reduction.

Sorry I don't have more time to do this properly, hope someone else might. Anyway here are the links.