Template:Classical cryptography

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Classical cryptography
v  d  e
Ciphers: ADFGVX | Affine | Alberti | Atbash | Autokey | Bifid | Book | Caesar | Four-square | Hill | Keyword | Nihilist | Permutation | Pigpen | Playfair | Polyalphabetic | Polybius | Rail Fence | Reihenschieber | Reservehandverfahren | ROT13 | Running key | Scytale | Smithy code | Solitaire | Straddling checkerboard | Substitution | Tap Code | Transposition | Trifid | Two-square | VIC cipher | Vigenère
Cryptanalysis: Frequency analysis | Index of coincidence
Misc: Cryptogram | Bacon | Polybius square | Scytale | Straddling checkerboard | Tabula recta
v  d  e
History of cryptography | Cryptanalysis | Cryptography portal | Topics in cryptography
Symmetric-key algorithm | Block cipher | Stream cipher | Public-key cryptography | Cryptographic hash function | Message authentication code | Random numbers

Note: This template has been discontinued. Instead use {{Crypto navbox | classical}} which is the one you see inserted here.

[edit] Warning!

This template has been discontinued. Instead use the new classical cryptography navigation box. The code above uses the new box and helped us do a smoth transition. Do not edit this page.