Classical-map Hyper-Netted-Chain

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For the Canadian radio station, see CHNC (AM).

Classical-map Hyper-Netted-Chain (CHNC) technique is a method in many-body theoretical physics for interacting uniform electron liquids in two and three dimensions, and to interacting hydrogen plasmas.

In this method, the pair-distributions of the interacting particles are calculated using a mapping which ensures that the quantum mechanically correct non-interacting pair distribution function is recovered when the Coulomb interactions are switched off. The value of the method lies in its ability to calculate the interacting pair distribution functions g(r) at zero and finite temperatures. Comparison of the calculated g(r) with results from Quantum Monte Carlo show remarkable agreement, even for very strongly correlated systems.

The interacting pair-distribution functions obtained from CHNC have been used to calculate the exchange-correlation energies, Landau parameters and other quantities of interest in many-body physics and density functional theory.

[edit] Selected references

  • M.W. C. Dharma-wardana and Francois Perrot, Physical Review Letters, vol. 84, page 959-962 (2000)
  • C. Bulutay and B. Tanatar, Physical Review B, volume 65, page 195116 (2002)
  • M. W. C. Dharma-wardana and Francois Perrot, Physical Review B, volume 66, page 014110 (2002)
  • N. Q. Khanh and H. Totsuji, Solid State Com., vol.129, page 37 (2004)
  • M. W. C. Dharma-wardana, Physical Review B, volume72, page 125339 (2005)