Clare Boat Club

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The blade colours of Clare Boat Club
The blade colours of Clare Boat Club

Clare Boat Club is the rowing club for members of Clare College, Cambridge. Prior to about 1930, the Clare 1st VIII spent most of its time near the boundary of the 1st and 2nd divisions of the Lent and May Bumps. It rose to take the headship of the Lent Bumps in 1939. It remained in the top-10 until the 1960s, and returned to form in the early 1970s, taking the headship of the Lent Bumps again in 1973. Since then, the 1st VIII have spend most of its time in the 1st division, but have dropped into the 2nd division on occasions. In the May Bumps, the Clare 1st VIII rose to take the headship in 1941 which it held until 1944 and gained it again in 1949. Since then, it's spend most of the time in the 1st division, but, similar to the Lent Bumps, it's dropped into the 2nd division on occasions. Clare 1st women's VIII started head in the first ever women's Lent Bumps in 1976, but were unable to retain the headship. In 2005, Clare were very close to taking the headship of the Lent Bumps, but Downing managed to cling onto it. In the first ever women's May Bumps in 1974, Clare started head and retained it and has since held it twice more, in 1979 and 1980. The women's 1st VIII currently are head of the Lent Bumps and 5th in the May Bumps.


[edit] Recent Form

Below is a table showing the performance of the men's and women's 1st VIII over the last decade in the Lent and May Bumps.

[edit] Lent Bumps

[edit] Men

Year Finish position 1st day 2nd day 3rd day 4th Day
1998 17th rowed-over bumped St. Catharine's bumped Peterhouse bumped Sidney Sussex & Selwyn
1999 13th bumped Girton bumped Selwyn bumped Queens' bumped Pembroke
2000 11th bumped Magdalene bumped Fitzwilliam rowed-over rowed-over
2001 10th rowed-over bumped Churchill (cancelled) (cancelled)
2002 12th bumped by Churchill bumped by St. Catharine's rowed-over rowed-over
2003 13th bumped by Selwyn rowed-over rowed-over rowed-over
2004 14th rowed-over bumped by Queens' rowed-over rowed-over
2005 11th rowed-over bumped Christ's bumped Robinson bumped St. Catharine's
2006 10th rowed-over rowed-over bumped Selwyn rowed-over
2007 8th rowed-over bumped Queens' rowed-over bumped Churchill

[edit] Women

Year Finish position 1st day 2nd day 3rd day 4th Day
1998 12th bumped Downing rowed-over bumped Caius bumped New Hall
1999 16th bumped by New Hall bumped by Caius bumped by Downing bumped by Fitzwilliam
2000 13th bumped Fitzwilliam rowed-over bumped St. Catharine's bumped 1st & 3rd Trinity
2001 12th bumped Churchill rowed-over (cancelled) (cancelled)
2002 10th bumped New Hall bumped Pembroke rowed-over rowed-over
2003 6th bumped Queens' bumped Christ's bumped Trinity Hall bumped Newnham
2004 5th bumped Lady Margaret rowed-over rowed-over rowed-over
2005 2nd bumped Jesus bumped Caius bumped Emmanuel rowed-over
2006 Head bumped Downing rowed-over head rowed-over head rowed-over head
2007 3rd rowed-over head rowed-over head bumped by 1st & 3rd Trinity bumped by Jesus

[edit] May Bumps

[edit] Men

Year Finish position 1st day 2nd day 3rd day 4th Day
1997 18th bumped by Sidney Sussex bumped by Fitzwilliam bumped by Peterhouse bumped by Lady Margaret II
1998 18th rowed-over bumped by St. Catharine's bumped Lady Margaret II rowed-over
1999 18th rowed-over bumped by 1st & 3rd Trinity II bumped Sidney Sussex rowed-over
2000 15th bumped 1st & 3rd Trinity II rowed-over bumped Magdalene bumped Selwyn
2001 12th rowed-over bumped Fitzwilliam bumped Queens' bumped Pembroke
2002 10th rowed-over bumped Churchill rowed-over bumped Christ's
2003 12th rowed-over bumped by Queens' bumped by Magdalene rowed-over
2004 13th bumped by Churchill rowed-over rowed-over rowed-over
2005 14th bumped Emmanuel bumped by Emmanuel bumped by Pembroke rowed-over
2006 14th rowed-over bumped by Christ's rowed-over bumped Magdalene

[edit] Women

Year Finish position 1st day 2nd day 3rd day 4th Day
1997 4th bumped Newnham rowed-over bumped Trinity Hall rowed-over
1998 6th rowed-over rowed-over bumped by Lady Margaret bumped by Newnham
1999 9th bumped by Caius bumped by Trinity Hall bumped by Queens' rowed-over
2000 6th bumped Queens' rowed-over bumped Trinity Hall bumped Lady Margaret
2001 8th bumped by Lady Margaret bumped by Trinity Hall rowed-over rowed-over
2002 12th bumped by Downing bumped by St. Catharine's bumped by New Hall bumped by Christ's
2003 9th bumped Christ's rowed-over bumped by Churchill overbumped St. Catharine's
2004 7th bumped Trinity Hall rowed-over rowed-over bumped Downing
2005 5th rowed-over bumped Newnham bumped Lady Margaret rowed-over
2006 8th rowed-over bumped by Girton bumped by Trinity Hall bumped by Newnham

[edit] External links