Clandestine MUD

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Clandestine MUD
Developer(s) Independent
Engine Diku, ROM
Latest version Updated Weekly
Release date(s) 1997
Genre(s) MMORPG, MUD, Adventure
Mode(s) Multiplayer
Platform(s) OS Independent
System requirements Internet with Port 9476 open, using Telnet[[1]] or a MUD Client

Clandestine is a Multi-User Domain (MUD) that is based off of ROM (MUD) which is a DikuMUD derivative. It was envisioned and created by Jason Sebek in August of 1997 and has been free to play ever since. It blends the fantasy genres, using techno-fantasy, medieval fantasy, and polytheistic religious fantasy to create a unique world. Clandestine balances elements of social community, player vs. player combat, hack 'n slash fun, role-playing, advanced quest gaming, and many mini-games to create a variety of gameplay experiences for all users. Clandestine has won several awards for text-based MMORPGs since its creation in 1997, including the Festival of MUD Award of Excellence[2004], and The MUD Connector's MUD of the Month[1998][1]

Clandestine's social element sets it apart from other MUDs, drawing in a community of over a dozen countries, and offering open acceptance and friendship to those of any beliefs - be it life-style, political, religious, or otherwise. Nine years of this non-discriminatory amalgamation of peoples has created a very rich, broad social community on Clandestine. While Clandestine is most popular in the United States and Canada, it also has a contingency from over a dozen other countries; especially Estonia, Singapore, and Sweden.


[edit] Theme

Clandestine's large world creates its unique fantasy-setting, blending the themes and elements of Medieval Fiction, Oriental Folklore, Anime, Science Fiction, Gothic Fiction, Dungeons and Dragons, Ultima Online, Fairy Tales and many others. The Central HUB for the game-world is Edge City, though dozens of other city-states and warring factions lie not far from Edge City's walls.

However, Clandestine MUD is most heavily focused on the theme of Religion and Religious Wars, giving the player the ability to join a religion or cult, rise in its ranks if they are able to, and then roleplay, combat, and otherwise interact with other religions.

[edit] Gameplay

After going through the creation start-up section of the Game, players will find themselves in a school meant to help ease new players into the World of Clandestine. This school is located within Edge City, the safest area of the player's gaming experience. From there, the player will adventure out to many different regions, undertake quests, hunt artificially intelligent NPC foes, and study the player's class skills.

Mastering multiple classes is optional on Clandestine, up to eight classes. However, only three classes can be used at any time, and the penalty for gaining experience points grows exponentially for the player, per class added. Primary classes are given specific class bonuses and elite skills.

Players on Clandestine are encouraged to join one of thirteen player-run religious organizations. Within each religion, players may opt to follow the path of the Priest (involving administration and roleplay-heavy work) or the Warrior(involving player versus player combat), and gain powers based on their Deity's bonuses and their rank within the religion.

There are 205 "levels of experience" that a player can access as a non-staff member. With the addition of multi-classing, though, the typical goal of most players is to raise three classes up to level 205. At this level, players may travel around the world easily with vortex, may restring items to look like whatever they wish, and several other "Master options".

Many "jobs" and craft-skills are centered around mini-games that are constantly being added to keep players busy with new toys.

The focus of the MUD, beyond the theme of religious war, is on the social interaction (both out-of-character and in-character) between players. Clandestine is an extremely social MUD, who has made its goal offering so many options for gameplay that players remain interested.

[edit] Religious Factions

Players may join the following religious causes on Clandestine MUD:



Chosen One

Mystara Lawful Good Valiant
Kir'Jolith Neutral Good Mordeth
Takhisis Chaotic Good Mike
Pantheos Intrinsic Good Xalifex
Nuitari Lawful Neutral Angie
Astinus True Neutral Cya
Loviatar Chaotic Neutral Vandraen
Merc'nry Intrinsic Neutral
Asmodeus Lawful Evil Ged
Tyrgoth Neutral Evil Larfax
Myr'Khul Chaotic Evil Maedros
Morrigu Intrinsic Evil Xavior
Se'Bek Sebekian Sebekness Sebek

[edit] Classes

There are seventeen playable classes on Clandestine Clandestine:

Ninja Elite Skills: Circle, Smokebomb, Zaketsu, Godly Speed

Ninjas are strong in hand to hand combat, second only to Samurai, making use of heavy weaponry skills, tricky bombs, and incredible speed to strike quickly from the shadows.

Samurai Elite Skills: Circle, Cripple, Crossbody, Ambush, Enhanced Speed

Samurai are extremely strong warriors with blades, also capable of quickly debilitating a foe using cripple. This combines with their crossbody lock-down skill to allow them to literally sweep opponent's off of their feet.

Channeler Elite Skills: Doorway, Fourwinds, Isolate, Seal, Call Void, Psionic Aura

Channelers are the masters of gateway magic, capable of moving efficiently and separating an area from the rest of the world. Channeler's mobility make them excellent at questing missions, also.

Lich Elite Skills: Spirit Cage, Torment, Damnate, Russian Roulette, Cursed Lands, Malady, Toxin, Decay

Lichs are powerful Death Mages, who use their power over spirituality to domate opponents' souls, lock-down escaping and healing, and deliver some of the most powerful attack spells in the game.

Nightblade Elite Skills: Encircle, Blink, Polymorph, Chaotic Binding, Tear, Enhanced Speed

Nightblades are rogues that specialize in hunting down monsters and the undead, using a versatile mixture of skills and magic.

Conquistador Elite Skills: Vital Points, Flurry, Rush, Ruler Badge, Quickening, Trample Godly Speed

Conquistadors are an extremely balanced melee class, based around speed and statistical strength. Their ability to deal fast, straight-forward melee damage is second to none.

Crusader Elite Skills: Shield of Knighthood, Crushing Blow, Erode, Pure Hammer, Justice, Cleanse, Godly Armor

Crusaders are the "tank" of Clandestine - using heavy armor and healing abilities to take on hard-hitting enemies, while using blunt weapons to dish out heavy damage to even the toughest of foes.

Technomancer Elite Skills: Charge, Overcharge, Technoforge, Technocreate, Technocraft, Encapsulate

Technomancers are the masters of harnessing magic into items and weapons, making them extremely versatile and useful. They can create magical pills, wands, staves, armor, swords, explosives, and legendary technocrafted equipment for use in player vs. player combat.

Cardinal Elite Skills: Justice, Precision, Replenish, Cleanse, Solstice, Rejuvenate, Malady, Resurrect, 3x Healing Efficiency

Cardinals are the masters of White Magic, able to use support magic and heal far beyond the means of any other class, while still able to use damaging holy spells to pack the punch of other master spellcasters.

Hunter Elite Skills: Track, Mask, Anamorphis, Bow & Arrow, Flank, Discord, Tame Animal, Call void, Enhanced Speed

The Hunter is a versatile combatant. He uses his ability to tune himself with nature to track foes, trap foes, evade foes, and master beasts. Meanwhile, his skill as an Archer and solid melee ability mean that he is not to be taken lightly.

Archwizard Elite Skills: Eyes of Intrigue, Double-Casting, Thundershock, Acid Arrow, Spellcrafting, Power Word "Kill"

The Archwizard is the master of magic itself, rather than a specific specialization. This class' sheer power makes it customizable and desirable when paired any other spell-casting class.

Alchemist Elite Skills: Mix Potion, Brew, Throw Potion, Potion Mastery, Magic Disruption, Distress, Shocking Trap

Alchemist is a very deadly class. Its ability to create, use, and combat with powerful and versatile potions are coupled with decent melee abilities and a nasty selection of potent anti-wizardry spells.

Necromancer Elite Skills: Animate Corpse, Suffering, Scream, Blood Curse, Gag, Choke, Hand of Undead, Cursed Lands

Necromancers channel the powers of Death Magic to control the living dead and cast powerful lock-down hexes on their foes. Additionally, Scream and Suffering allow them a potent combination to deal heavy damage at a self-sacrificing cost.

Mindbender Elite Skills: Amnesia, Invert, Disruption, Silence, Discord, Resilence, Sebat, Psionic Aura

Mindbender is a class whose true potential is only seen in player vs. player combat. The Psionist's ability to confuse, mislead, lock-down, and destroy an enemy makes this foe a danger in group combat.

Elementalist Elite Skills: Raze Elements, Protection from Heat&Cold, Hurricane, Iceball, Brushfire, Severity Force, Thorn

Elementalists provide the second part of a one-two punch to many true spellcasters. With devastating attack spells, lock-down spells, a solid defense, and the ability to hone in on an opponent's elemental weakness, these Druids are very potent.

Thief Elite Skills: Hide, Decoy, Enhanced Backstab, Enhanced Sneak, Enhanced Steal, Circle, Godly Speed

Thieves are the masters of their lifestyle, able to take several widely used rogue skills a step further. Their ability to remain unseen by any others beyond those in their own Guild allows them to use stealth to deal frightening damage in a single backstab.

Soulwalker Elite Skills: Soulwalking

Soulwalkers are a unique class on Clandestine, and the most difficult to play. To utilize one requires a tremendous amount of "leveling up" various "soulgems", which allow the user to utilize many different appearances and class combinations. Soulwalker is truly the Master of all Trades, though not many have had the patience to master such a class.

[edit] History

Clandestine was first originated in August 1997, when two of the immortals on the text-mmorpg(MUD), Land of the Lost Unicorn (LUN), felt their creativity far exceeded the ability of LUN to implement the vision they had for a MUD. Their initial vision was to create a world where the players' fun was the highest priority, and with many hidden secrets within the game. The MUD was initially named "Reality's Edge" until it was discovered that the name had already been taken. Drawing from the "secret underworld" in the MUD's main area, the name was changed to "Clandestine Realms", or just "Clandestine." The initial IMPlementors were Fyre (Server Administrator/Coder), Sebek (Builder/Coder), Malkoth (Builder), Cotharyus (Coder), Nightfall (Coder), and Damia (Mortal Relations).

By September of that year, however, only Sebek and Damia were still actively involved. The initial coders found more work elsewhere, Fyre returned to LUN, and Sebek lacked the coding experience to make significant progress to implement his vision. Coincidentally, a friend and player named "Nebulous" had just heroed on LUN, had just started playing on Clandestine (as "Nebseni"), and was seeking to code to earn immortal levels.

Unsure of Neb's abilities, Sebek assigned him a spell to write that had stymied him for weeks. Without any previous MUD coding experience, Nebulous scanned the stock ROM code for the appropriate functions and put the spell together in about 10 minutes. Nebseni was quickly made Head Programmer of the MUD.

The "Seb & Neb" team then rapidly took the MUD to higher levels. Together they implemented the religion spell system, reincarnation, and several immortal utility functions. The MUD officially opened to the public on October 25, 1997 with a player base of 200 (averaging 10-15 online). What they didn't realize was how successful the choices they had made establishing the mud were in attracting and keeping good players. Much of their early code has gone on to be used as snippets for many other MUDs in the text-roleplaying community.

As mentioned previously, the first priority of the MUD is to make it fun for the players. One of the keys to this was allowing high-level mortals the ability to use skills and commands not normally available until immortality on most MUDs, such as possession of mobiles (similar to immortal "switch"), powerful spells and stats, and many unique choices of races and classes to allow for maximum roleplay.

Years passed, the playerbase swelled, and Clandestine won MUD-awards in both 1998 (The MUD Connector), and 2004 (Festival of MUD). New staff members contributed hundreds of new areas to the MUD, and dozens of new, innovative gameplay features. Most notable was the staff addition of the Programmer, Azuel, who took the strong foundation set by "Seb & Neb" to whole new levels of impressive gameplay with his unique code.

Thousands upon thousands of people have played Clandestine throughout the years, and with the re-application of aggressive online advertising in 2006, the average number of players logged on at the same time began to steadily increase. Clandestine is still louded within the MUD community for its fun, social approach to gaming, incredibly indepth combat system, unique themes and storylines, beautiful aesthetical appeal to text-gamers, and its pure accessibility to new players. Most of Clandestine's success is due to its constant state of change, constant improvement, and implementation of player ideas.

Clandestine's current leading staff members are its owner Sebek, Sassy (an accomplished builder), Azuel (the Head Programmer), and Lynk (who serves various community functions). Clandestine MUD has even been hosted on an Estonian server, showing respect to its overseas allies, though it continues to be an English-speaking text-based MMORPG.

Clandestine is currently affiliated with Edge Entertainment[2] and the RhyDin free-form roleplaying community, which originated in the Q-Link setting in 1985 before making its way to be a massively popular AOL community.

Clandestine programmers have also released two MUD Clients to be affiliated with Clandestine MUD. ClandestineMUD Client, or "cMud"(not to be mistaken with Zuggsoft's newer product) was released in 2002, to be specifically used with Clandestine MUD itself for the convenience of its players. Since then, Leio (Mart Raudsepp), Arkanes (Chris Mellon), and Azuel (Gabe Levin) released the BETA version of wxMUD[2] in 2006; a more powerful cross-platform, high-performance MUD Client. Mart Raudsepp's wxMUD is an attempt to offer a free alternative to other, more expensive high-performance clients such as zMUD and MUSH Client.

[edit] External links

Clandestine Websites



[edit] References

  1. ^ December '98 MUD of the Month. MUD Connector.
  2. ^ Edge Entertainment.