Clan Jade Falcon

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Clan Jade Falcon is a political group from the fictional BattleTech universe.


[edit] Social Structure of Clan Jade Falcon

Clan Jade Falcon is founded on a caste-based martial society, which divides people into several distinct groups. The highest caste is the warrior caste, where mechwarriors, pilots, and genetically enhanced infantry called Elementals command the greatest respect. Warriors are genetically bred through steel wombs, where the genetic material from prominent warriors is combined to create a unique batch of children who are thought to be superior in combat. These children, or sibkos, go through a variety of tests for their first 20 years, at the end of which they will be judged to be warriors or not.

Below the warriors are the techs, who keep the battlemechs, aerospace fighters, and armored infantry functioning. While they are essential to the society, most warriors look down on techs as inferiors and less valuable members of society. Roughly parallel to the techs is the Scientist caste, where biologists, engineers, and researchers determine how to further enhance Clan Jade Falcon's already-considerable gene pool, armament, and technological progress.

Below the scientists and techs are the merchants, who conduct trade with other Clans and, covertly, states and trading houses from the Inner Sphere. While they are rarely seen, the merchants provide the industrial and transportation backbone for the Clans.

At the lowest level of Clan Jade Falcon are the laborers, who do manual labor and jobs too demeaning for other caste members.

[edit] Military Structure of Clan Jade Falcon

The military structure of Clan Jade Falcon, like most clans, is split up into groups: Naval and Ground.

[edit] Clan Jade Falcon Naval Military Structure

Clan Jade Falcon has numerous WarShip, JumpShip, and DropShip assets to control space and transport troops to landing sites. Destroyers, Cruisers, and Battleships have been observed within the Naval hierarchy, which, combined with assault dropships, can successfuly defend most of the Clan's holdings in both the Inner Sphere and the Clan homeworlds. Naval commanders, however, are considered inferior to the Jade Falcon ground troops. While they are genetically bred warriors, the focus of combat personnel has always been the mechwarriors on the ground.

[edit] Clan Jade Falcon Ground Military Structure

Jade Falcons esteem mechwarriors above all other combat personnel, and see their mechwarriors as the ultimate result of their breeding practices. Their mechwarriors are brash, fierce, and unrelenting. While subtlety is rare among the Jade Falcons, their relentless drive to crush the enemy is a potent force. Mechwarriors will often take incredible risks, sometimes failing, but often gaining victory or a heroic death that ensures their genetic legacy will live on among future generations.

Jade Falcon Elementals are thought highly of as well, with particular attention paid to tenacity and endurance. During their initial sweep into the Inner Sphere, Jade Falcon Elementals played an integral part in capturing and maintaining order among hostile worlds.

While pilots of aerospace fighters are not as highly respected as mechwarriors, they are still warriors and rank above the other castes.

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