Template:Cite swiss law

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[edit] Usage

This template allows for the easy citing and linking to of Swiss federal laws and of their individual articles. It covers statutes and ordinances that are recorded in the Systematic Collection of Federal Law (Systematische Sammlung des Bundesrechts / Recueil systématique du droit fédéral). It should not be substituted.

[edit] Syntax

{{cite swiss law | sr = | link = MANDATORY | art = | date = | en = | enab = | de = | deab = | fr = | frab = | it = | itab = }}

[edit] Example

 {{ cite swiss law
  | sr   = 171.13
  | link = 171_13  (mandatory parameter)
  | art  = 5     
  | date = 2003-10-03        
  | en   = Rules of Procedure of the National Council
  | enab = 
  | de   = Geschäftsreglement des Nationalrates
  | deab = GRN
  | fr   = Règlement du Conseil national  
  | frab = RCN
  | it   = Regolamento del Consiglio nazionale  
  | itab = RCN

The above example will display as:

Rules of Procedure of the National Council / Geschäftsreglement des Nationalrates (GRN) / Règlement du Conseil national (RCN) / Regolamento del Consiglio nazionale (RCN) of 2003-10-03, SR/RS 171.13 (D·F·I), art. 5 (D·F·I)

[edit] Parameters

  • link: The SR/RS number of the law. It must be provided with underscores in lieu of colons, e.g. "115_20" instead of "115.20", so as not to break the hyperlinks. This is the only mandatory parameter.
  • sr: If the SR/RS number includes colons and has to be provided with underscores as the "link" parameter, it should be provided again as this parameter, but with colons, for correct display. (This workaround is necessary because the StringFunction extension is not currently installed.)
  • art: The article of the law that is being cited. (Paragraphs and litterae cannot be linked to and should be cited after the template.)
  • date: The date of the enactment of the law in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD). It will be automatically wikilinked if provided.
  • de: German title of the law. Either the full title (in this case, "Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation") or the short title (if any) of the law may be cited, as appropriate in context.
  • deab: German official abbreviation (if any).
  • The above applies mutatis mutandis to the en, fr, it parameters.

[edit] Suggestions for the use of language

Swiss laws have no official English title. However, some have an unambiguous or established English translation, such as the Swiss Civil Code. It is suggested:

  • that an an unambiguous or established English title be provided if it exists,
  • that otherwise only the official French and German titles (and Italian if topically appropriate) be provided.