City Guards

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The City Guards are typical Brazilian uniformized corporations. Created in the time of Empire of Brazil these municipal police guard corporations are subordinated to the mayors (in Portuguese:prefeitos). Trained as a civil uniformed corporation, the city guards can make the 'arrest voice' in the act of crime (in Portuguese: prisão em flagrante delito) and are responsible to police the municipal parks, propieties, installations and the internal part of municipal councils and city halls with administrative police powers and acting as a security police. In some cities, like São Paulo, the commander is a Military Police retired colonel. In others, the commander can be a retired Civil Police Sheriff (see Police and Policing in Brazil).There is a third example: In some cities, like Guarulhos/SP and Osasco/SP; the commanders are licensed menbers of São Paulo Metropolitan Civil Guard (Guarda Civil Metropolitana da Cidade de São Paulo). There is a PEC (PECnº 534/2002) which will change the Brazilian City/Municipal Guards Constitucional mission. If approved, this constitutiocional review will be take powers to every guarsdman to serve & protect the Brazilian cities and citzens. The PEC was approved in the Brazilian Federal Senate Justice Commission and now it is waiting to be approved in the Brazilian Federal House of Represetatives. After that, the PEC will need to be approved by the President of Federative Republic of Brazil