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The Heirs of Isildur
Part of J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium
Sons of Isildur
Elendur  · Aratan  · Ciryon
High-Kings of Arnor
Valandil  · Eldacar  · Arantar
Tarcil  · Tarondor  · Valandur
Elendur  · Eärendur
Kings of Arthedain
Amlaith  · Beleg  · Mallor
Celepharn  · Celebrindor
Kings of Arnor
Argeleb I  ·Arveleg I  · Araphor
Argeleb II  · Arvegil  · Arveleg II
Araval  · Araphant  · Arvedui
Chieftains of the Dúnedain
Aranarth  · Arahael  · Aranuir
Aravir  · Aragorn I  · Araglas
Arahad I  · Aragost  · Aravorn
Arahad II  · Arassuil  · Arathorn I
Argonui  · Arador  · Arathorn II
Kings of the Reunited Kingdom
Aragorn II  · Eldarion
House of Anárion

In J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth, Ciryon was Isildur's third son. He was sent with his older brother Aratan to garrison the city of Minas Ithil and the pass of Cirith Ungol on the borders of Mordor and Ithilien. He died in the year 2 of the Third Age at the Battle of the Gladden Fields, along with the rest of the bodyguard of his father Isildur, including his two elder brothers.

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