Cimmerian Orogeny

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200 million years ago, Cimmeria collided with North and South China blocks, closing the Paleo-Tethys Ocean between them and forming mountains. ~100 mya map
200 million years ago, Cimmeria collided with North and South China blocks, closing the Paleo-Tethys Ocean between them and forming mountains. ~100 mya map

The Cimmerian Orogeny, is an orogeny that created mountain ranges that now lie in Central Asia. The orogeny began 200 - 150 million years ago (much of the Jurassic Period), when the Cimmerian plate collided the southern coast of Kazakhstania, North and South China, closing the ancient Paleo-Tethys Ocean between them. The plate consisted today's Turkey, Iran, Tibet and western Southeast Asia. Much of the plate's northern boundary became mountain ranges that was as high as today's Himalayas. The orogeny continued well to the Cretaceous and Early Cenozoic.

[edit] See also