Cielo Nature Sanctuary

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Cielo Nature Sanctuary (Pron: chey low) is a 100-acre privately managed wildlife sanctuary located in Mecosta County, Michigan near the City of Big Rapids. The objective of the sanctuary is to enhance the habitat of the sanctuary for the benefit of the fish and wildlife which live within or migrate through the sanctuary.


[edit] The Land

The terrain at Cielo is incredibly diverse. From non-tidal marsh to mature northern hardwoods, the land is fertile and nurtures a healthy vibrant ecosystem. The landscape is rolling in elevation and no less than 13 soil types are found throughout. Rocky deposits are found throughout Cielo, a result of Michigan's last glacial retreat about 14,000 years ago. It is the sanctuary’s diversity of habitat that is the foundation upon which Cielo's wildlife management plan has found success. The mineral and oil composition of Cielo is largely unknown although areas of Mecosta County are know to have abundant reserves of crude oil.[1]

[edit] The Water

Cielo's water resources are a key ingredient to its unique ecosystem.

Enzo Creek below Dam on Hunt Marsh
Enzo Creek below Dam on Hunt Marsh

Four highly eutrophic ponds are located on the property. Most are no more than three feet deep, and were formed as a result of beavers damming flowing water.

Hunt Lake
Hunt Lake

The largest body of water is Hunt Lake which is 10 acres in size. It has a very large 11 acre area of flooded timber on the North end of the lake known as Hunt Marsh; a result of this same beaver activity creating the impoundment blocking Enzo Creek, the only outlet to Hunt lake which runs East and ultimately into Ryan Creek. Hunt lake has a maximum depth of 30 feet and visibility generally exceeds 5 feet despite a marl substrate. Nehmer lake is also accessible from Cielo. It is approximately 8 acres in size, and although shallower than Hunt lake, it has a littoral zone of flooded timber along its’ margins. The maximum depth is unknown.

Spider Webs in Hunt Marsh
Spider Webs in Hunt Marsh

[edit] The Flora

The flora found at Cielo has yet to be comprehensively inventoried, as the project would be a colossal undertaking. Tree types of obvious notation include deciduous species such as Pin Oak, White Oak, Red Oak, Sugar Maple, Aspen, Ash, Birch, Cherry, Apple, Sassafras, American Hornbeam, Ironwood, and Walnut trees. Coniferous species include Jack Pine, Red Pine, White Pine, Hemlock, Cedar, Scotch Pine, and Blue Spruce.

Selective harvest of aspen was done in 2003 to improve habitat for Ruffed Grouse and other upland birds such as the Wild Turkey. Low impact selective harvest proved to be a successful project.

In 2006, several stands of conifers were planted for future economic timber value and also to provide dense cover for several wildlife species. Approximately 750 Red Pines were planted in a two acre stand primarily for future economic timber value and 500 Jack Pine were planted in a fallow area with poor soil types suitable for Jack Pine but not conducive to forage plants to serve as a future area of dense cover for wildlife.

Cardinal Flower
Cardinal Flower

There are several other tree species of notoriety which include tamarack which is known as a deciduous conifer and hence looses its’ needles each autumn. Staghorn Sumac is abundant in many areas of the sanctuary.

Autumn Olive was planted in the 1950’s under the recommendation of the then Michigan Department of Conservation (now known as the Michigan Department of Natural Resources) as a shrub believed to be very beneficial to wildlife. It is now know to be invasive and an 8 acre area of Autumn Olive was cut back in 2006 and converted to a hayland.

Wildflowers are found in every season except winter. Cardinal flower, Indian Paintbrush, Touch me not, Multiflora Rose and Trout lily serve only as examples.

Aquatic flora is abundant and diverse. Wetland species such as narrow leaf cattails, horsetail, and giant reed are abundant. The Hunt Marsh is covered with duckweed for several months in the summer where patches of white water lilly can also be found. Poison Sumac is common in Hunt Marsh, discovered by accident and never to be mistaken again by Cielo’s manager. Winterberry (also known as Michigan Holly) is a colorful addition to Hunt Marsh in the winter when the marsh’s greenery subsides in late fall. It also provides an abundant forage base for many wild birds.

[edit] The Fauna

The fauna found at Cielo is as diverse as its' flora. It is the abundance of appropriate habitat which makes it possible to view wildlife within the sanctuary. On any given day, one may see Whitetail Deer, Fox, Bobcat,

A Whitetail Fawn at Cielo
A Whitetail Fawn at Cielo

Wild Turkey, Cottontail Rabbit, Squirrels (Eastern, Red, and Fox), Coyote, Raccoon, Porcupine, Ruffed Grouse, and Ringneck Pheasant. A Black Bear sighting is not impossible as both Newaygo County (6 miles West of Cielo) and Osceola County (10 miles North of Cielo) each have legal hunting season for black bear and many bear seek Mecosta County as a refuge.[2]

The abundance of wildlife is spectacular at Cielo. It is the waterfowl habitat that makes Cielo so unique. In autumn, when waterfowl are migrating, Cielo is home to many species of waterfowl. Most abundant are Wood Duck, Mallards, Canada Geese, and Teal. Loons also take up residence on Hunt Lake and their presence is known by their unique 'cry' at twilight, although the birds prefer Townline lake (located 600 ft. to the East of Cielo) due to its size.

In 2006 one Wood Duck nesting box was installed at Cielo and a resident hen successfully hatched two ducklings while taking up residence. In 2007, two additional nesting boxes were installed to help provide optimal nesting habitat.

A Hen Wild Turky at Cielo
A Hen Wild Turky at Cielo

Hunt Marsh is also home to the Great Blue Heron, the largest in the heron family with a wing span of seven feet.

Hunt Marsh would not exist without the activty of the world's second largest rodent: the Beaver. Muskrat are also abundant and seen traveling throughout the lakes, ponds, marsh and even Enzo Creek.

Cielo is home to the Blanding's Turtle, which is threatened and even endangered within its' range. These turtles do not reach sexual maturity until they are 18-20 years old and may live to be as old as 70 years old!

Blanding's Turtle-Threatened
Blanding's Turtle-Threatened

Hunt Lake harbors a vibrant fishery. The Northern Pike is at the top of the food chain, and considering it is such a small body of water, Hunt's pike are in balance with the forage available in the lake. Most are in the 3-5 year class, but much older fish are also found. Largemouth Bass are also part of the food pyramid, but to a much lesser extent. Bluegill and Yellow Perch make up the bulk of the forage base. A complete fishery survey had not yet been completed as of 2007. Strangely, a four year old Muskellunge was identified in Hunt Lake in 2006 and it unclear if this fish was the sole representative of its species or if a small reproductive population exists.

Nehmer Lake is similar in resources as Hunt Lake. Hybrid Sunfish have been stocked on several occasions, however, their survial in abundance has been curtailed due to predation by Northern Pike.

[edit] Sources and Notes

  1. ^ [1]Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
  2. ^ [2]Conservation Officer Mike Bomay, Michigan Department of Natural Resources