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Cianorte is a city in the northwest of Paraná, southern Brazil. According to the 2000 census, Cianorte has 70,000 inhabitants.


[edit] History

Goes by the area where is located the Municipal district of Cianorte the report Road of Peabiru, used by the natives in the route to the coast. Later, in the decade of 50, it begins the colonization in this area through the Company of Lands North of Paraná. Span municipal district inside of the economical picture of the Northwest area of Paraná, Cianorte dominates the agricultural cultures, it is strong in the industrial section and enough diversified in the commercial section. Servant through the Law State no. 2.412 of July 13, 1955, and installed in December 15 of the same year, being dismembered of Peabiru In the decade of 40, the news that arrived to the interior from São Paulo, miner and even in the northeast of the country it was that the true was in the north of Paraná where the soil was and fertile. For the wealth possibility and prosperity, families arrived the area amazed with the perspective of a better future. The North Companhia Melhoramentos of Paraná,founded by English, it was the responsible for the sale of the earth lots to the that arrived in the city of Cianorte and area. With the migrants' concentration and immigrants in several points, the city went appearing. The economy of the municipal district as in the whole area it was based on the coffee growing. Until the seventies the cities grew and they prospered thanks to the coffee. But in the end of the decade the situation radically changed in consequence of the frosts and of the economical politics of the section, the period of decadence of the coffee came and I join, the unemployment and the rural " exodus. Amid economical crisis that it reached the municipal districts of the area, Cianorte looked for an alternative to revert the picture: bet in the industrialization. Leaving the agricultural vocation some side the city started to invest in the Section of Makings. Entrepreneurs, merchants and old producers bought sewing machines, they built factories and they used labor, that even without qualification, they learned the new occupation quickly. Sells the fast evolution of this section and concerned with the quality of the products that you/they were produced, the Municipal Public Power together with the representative Entities of classes they looked for technicians and specialized instructors and they installed in the city several courses seeking the specialization of the labor. The result of so much pledge fast vein. Today Cianorte stands out at national level as the largest wholesale pole of makings of the south of the country, being known as " THE Capital of the Clothes ".

[edit] Name

Founded by the Company of Lands of the North of Paraná, your name is in honor to the company (Cia - company, North - North area).

[edit] General data


Location Located in the Northwest area of Paraná.

Geographical coordinates Latitude - 23° 40 ' 00 South Longitude - 52° 38 ' 00 W-GR

Distances Curitiba - 518 km Paranaguá - 609 km Maringá - 70 km

Climate Humid Subtropical climate , hot summers with tendency of concentration of the rains (superior medium temperature to 22° C), winters with little frequent frosts (inferior medium temperature to 18° C), without station it evaporates defined.

[edit] Economy

Main Economical Activities • Agricultura - it Produces coffee, cotton and cereals • Pecuária • Vegetal wood • Vestuário, footwears, woven, leathers, skins and similar products

Clothes Today Cianorte stands out at national level as the largest wholesale pole of makings of the south of the country, being known as " THE Capital of the Clothes ". In the total they are 300 industries of makings that guarantee about 8 thousand employments. The production concentrates on the jeans making, tune, shirt shop, meshes ,masculine and feminine social fashion, infantile and infanto-juvenile fashion, line baby and beach, among others; with quality and price that guarantee to compete with any other great center producing of makings of the country. Counts with more than 300 stores in the 05 wholesale shopping of makings and in the downtown. Consumers and resellers of several states arrive everyday in Cianorte the search of releases and innovations. In the middle of every year the city accomplishes Expovest, the largest fair of the clothes of the South of the country, in the park of exhibitions of the city. In that period the city receives about 5.500 tourists a month.

[edit] Administration

Municipal city hall Avenue Santa Catarina, 731 Phone: (44) 3629-1270 - fax: 3629-1270

[edit] Infrastructure

Education Possesses schools Fundamental, Medium and two Universities (Extension of UEM, state and Unipar, matter).

[edit] Culture

The culture of Cianorte is very diversified with: theater, movies, painting, plastic arts, music, among others. The old rail station, it was transformed Home of the Culture, with painting exhibitions, plastic arts, old pictures of the city, musicians' presentations ...

[edit] Tourist points

Waterfall of Rio Fast Image:Http:// A beautiful waterfall of almost 2 m, of water cleans, at the end of the municipal district, attracting until the residents of the area to take a good bath and pleasant moments to pass in contact with the nature.

Green belt A great green area that almost circulates the whole city, possesses a modern walk track and instruments for prolongation and heating from one end to the other of the track.

Forest of the Head office The mother church is circulated by a green area, with bathrooms, parks, animals and to a complete public library. The forest gives one more color to the downtown.

Park of Manduí Gives some green in the neighborhoods of the Labor Villa and Villa 7.

[edit] Calendar

July 26–birthday of the city

Expovest In the middle of every year the city accomplishes Expovest, the largest fair of the clothes of the South of the country, in the park of exhibitions of the city. In that period the city receives about 5.500 tourists a month..

[edit] Purchases

Shopping There are 7 shopping in the city: • Shopping Univep (Wholesale) • Dallas Moda Shopping (Wholesale) • United Shopping (Wholesale) • Nabhan Cia Fashion (Wholesale) • VestSul Shopping (Wholesale) • Cianorte Center (Retail) • Urban Shopping (Retail)

[edit] Hotels

Intercontinental R. PIRATININGA, 388 Phone: (44) 3629-3939

Hotel Avenue Av. Brazil, 299 Phone: (44) 3629-1630

Hotel Esplanade R. Álvares Cabral, 614 Phone: (44) 3629-5976

Hotel Globe Av. Maranhão, 102 Phone: (44) 3629-1973

Hotel Prince Square Raposo Tavares Phone: (44) 3629-1257

[edit] References

  • []

[edit] External links

  • [ Cianorte Futebol Clube]
  • [ Official site]
  • [ Radio of Cianorte]

Coordinates: 23°37′S 52°37′W

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