CIAO! Festival
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CIAO! is the Childrens International Arts Organisation, a charity established in the UK to promote the performing and visual arts to a childrens audience.
It was set up by Karen Draisey in 2003 and gained charitable status in 2005. Currently, its main activity is to mount a week-long festival, conference and outreach programmes held at the South Hill Park, Bracknall, UK.
The festivals present performing and visual arts from a UK and international repertoire to Bracknell audiences and to arts practitioners and educators who attend the CIAO! Festival from across the UK. For example, companies were invited to the festival in June 2005 from across the UK and in June 2006 from Australia, Japan, Israel (a company of actors from Jewish and Arabic backgrounds that performs for children), Denmark, France, Germany and the UK.
The educational programmes involve local schools in a range of participatory arts activities during the festival which they attend for a whole day. The outreach projects involve young people in settings such as youth centres, where they are offered opportunities in the arts, something to which many of them would otherwise have limited access. Outreach projects have also taken place with an integrated group of mainstream and disabled students.
Among its Trustees have been Annie Wood, who was artistic director of the Polka Theatre in Wimbledon, the leading ad-man Graham Thomas, and Teresa Ariosto founder and the producer for Company of Angels.