Church of Euthanasia

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The Church of Euthanasia (CoE) is a dadaist political organization started by Rev. Chris Korda in the Boston, Massachusetts area of the United States. According to the church's website, it is "a non-profit educational foundation devoted to restoring balance between Humans and the remaining species on Earth." [1] The CoE uses sermons, music, publicity stunts and direct action combined with an underlying sense of satire and black humor to highlight Earth's unsustainable population. The CoE is notorious for its conflicts with anti-abortion Christian activists.

According to the church's website, the one commandment is "Thou shalt not procreate". The CoE further asserts four principle pillars: suicide, abortion, cannibalism ("strictly limited to consumption of the already dead"), and sodomy ("any sexual act not intended for procreation"). [2]

Slogans employed by the group include "Save the Planet, Kill Yourself", "Six Billion Humans Can't Be Wrong", and "Eat a Queer Fetus for Jesus", all of which are intended to mix inflammatory issues to unnerve those who oppose abortion and homosexuality.

The Church gained early attention in 1995 because of its affiliation with which hosted many sites that were controversial or skirted illegality. Members later appeared on an episode of The Jerry Springer Show titled "I Want to Join a Suicide Cult".

Following the September 11, 2001 attacks, the CoE posted to its website a four-minute video combining pornographic video with footage of the World Trade Center collapse. The montage, titled "I Like to Watch" featured an electronic soundtrack (recorded by Korda) and the lyrics, "People dive into the street/ While I play with my meat". Korda described the project as reflecting his "contempt for and frustration with the profound ugliness of the modern industrial world." [3]

The church's website previously had instructions on "how to kill yourself" by asphyxiation using helium. These pages were removed in 2003 after a 52-year-old woman used them to commit suicide in St. Louis County, Missouri, resulting in legal threats against the church. [4]


[edit] Criticism

The often intentionally offensive tactics of the Church of Euthanasia have been condemned by many groups, notably Christians. Following their appearance on The Jerry Springer Show, the Creator's Rights Party, a fringe anti-abortion group stated that, "The Church of Euthanasia embodies the spirit that mocks the God of the Bible, that mocks the Lord Jesus Christ who died for the sins of the world." [5]

Even those who are sympathetic to the concerns of the CoE are sometimes uneasy with the church's Malthusianism.[citation needed] Journalist Mark Dery notes that, "the misanthropy that lies just beneath the surface of the Church's baby-loathing and breeder-bashing aligns it with unhappy bedfellows like Randall Phillip and Jim and Debbie Goad..." [6]

Some individuals have also suggested that CoE is a marketing scheme for Rev. Chris Korda's electronic music (available for free download). However, the listing of Korda's live gigs indicates that he began performing publicly in 1997, by which time he had gotten underway.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

[edit] References

  • Paley, Nina. (2006) Indecent Exposure. Stay Free Magazine. [7]
  • Wright, Chris. (2001) The Pornography of Terror. [8]